শনিবার, ২২ মার্চ, ২০১৪

my forex post


Enhance your knowledge and experience then earned handsome profit

Forex is a money earning place. We can earn money by our own knowledge and experience about Forex market. Here every body can make a good profit but need good knowledge about market movement and experience of trading in real account.

 Why people afraid to hear forex trading is high risk bussiness?

Those people make lose in Forex market they fear or think Forex as a risk market. I am trading here and getting profit for long time. it is easy to lose here and most of the new traders lose here easily and think Forex as a risk business. It is lack of experience and knowledge.

 How will I convince my friends to see forex as good business?

You can say him to read more about Forex. Say him to understand the Business by his own study. When he gets Forex as a good business then he will be convince by himself.

 Is Regular Trading Is good ?

Some times we can give some brack and watch the market movemet. Regular trading is well but we need to follow a good money management policy then regular trading will give us good profit.

Control your emotions when you are in Forex(Merged by shahzad)

Emotion plays a vital role while we trade. We can follow a good money management policy then we can control our emotion easily. We need to control our emotion to save our account.

 Why many people thinking Forex is gambling?


They think it gambling because they are gambler. When you will be a businessman then you will find this as a good online business. It depends on your own view. I think it a good business of brain.

 proper use your money in Forex business.


To use our money properly in Forex market we need study. Only by knowledge and experience we can make proper use of my money. The more you study the more you get idea of your money use wisely.

Without money life is meaningless.


It is true that money can make our life enjoyable. We need a work to earn money. Forex trading is the easy work that we can start with in some days and we can make good profit here. in short Forex business can make our life meaningful.









What is more important - quality of trade or result


I like result .our main target is profit. if we can not make profit then  our trade is valueless.  It is true that we get good profit by quality trade . above all result is the final of all success. Our main target is profit and result.

 what is your current condition in trade?


Now I am trading eurusd. I give buy and close my profit. now I am trading in sell position. I also give some sell limit and buy limit. I am waiting for 100 pips profit.

 I think demo account makes us skilled.


Demo account is the blessing of online business. By this demo account we start our trading and feel interest for real trading. I come the real Forex market by this demo account trading. we become more skilled by this demo practice and we becomes expert trader. 



It depends on your trading analysis. It is a tool that we can use when we feel necessity. You can use buy limit or sell limit .I find the value of stop lose option.

Scalping is risky , trade carefully.


Scalping is one kind of bad practice. We get big lose  or big profit by this system .but in this way we can not stay here for lifetime . we should follow good trading practice . we can trade carefully life time  and we also feel happy  in this way.














pending order is good for trade.


Pending order is really a good practice in Forex trade. Most of the day I use pending order. In this way we can get more profit by a single order. It is really a powerful trade if we can use this with our money management  policy.

 Be patience and get success (3)


When we say lose or profit we should wait for better profit. some times  we close our profit very quick but we should wait for more profit. in the lose time we have to wait for profit. that means we need patience for better success.











Are you learning from your mistakes?


It is the best way of learning practical knowledge of Forex. I am learning perfectly by my mistake. I hope it is really helpful to win in this business. Mistakes also help to earn much after some days. Here trading and profit comes day by day by mistake.

 Can we control our lossess?


By giving buy and sell option we can control our lose easily.  When we see the market is in moving position and going up then we can use a buy order and after some profit we can use a sell order . and there is a easy way to control the lose. It is very simple. Just follow a good money management policy and try to win 1% or 2 % profit  or lose by one day.


 best online earning in forex for students ?


students need money and for that they earn by many ways. Forex is the best online option for them. A student can learn this business by reading many website . they can understand the signal and articles. They can also understand the news for better trade. all the way it is a best online trading option for student.

 You Need Time

It is true that for profit we need time. we have to wait for profit. we should not trade for short time. because we see that in short time trade we get more pain and feel resk. It is best for long time and we can be skillful by this way.

 Can we took benefits without experience?


Sometimes we can get benefit but not regularly. Without experience trading will be a dangerous work. Any time we can get a great lose and we have no hope to trade again. So I say all any way get experience and trade for ever.

Is Forex for all ?


No , it is not for all. Some people will not come here who do not believe this business. First every man needs good knowledge then they will feel interest in Forex. Forex knowledge is the best option to come here. some people are fond of jobs and they to not like business or trade. So they will never come here.

 do you enjoy Forex trading or just boring?


I enjoy trading and I take it simple. I do not trade for profit. I trade with market and see how I get profit. I do not trade every day. I trade for longtime. I really enjoy it.






 Do You Believe?


Easy or hard , it depends on our own mind. It is up to you. how do you think about Forex . I find Forex as a easy business because I follow a money management policy .

 Forex makes rich or poor?


The aim of forex is to earn money by trading. here we buy and sell the currency for profit but if we do not follow any rule then we may lose our money. We come here to become rich so we need perfect knowledge to be that.

 What percent of people really earn money on the Forex?


I think it is not fixed. But day by day the percent of earning people is increasing day by day. Here every things are clear to us by trading long time. as we are getting experience so we will be success day by day. In short really earning people is 10 % to 40 % in my idea.


 Which is the best way to success in Forex?


Learning and practice is the best way.  By this way we can be a professional trader. Long time trade and a good money management policy can also give us success  . you need time for more success.


An Easy Way to become rich?


I do not think it as an easy way to become rich. I see or find Forex as a good business that we can control easily by online. Here every things are very much user friendly. We can earn money  or lose money. All depend upon our good skill. We should not think that it will give us more money with in short time. but we can make money regularly by a good money management policy.

forex means ?


it means foreign exchange market. Here we can buy any currency or sell any currency by a softer and we get our profit or lose by its own way. You can read more in the website. That will give you a clear idea. 

 little knowledge is a dangerous thing in forex


this line is more perfect for Forex trading. when we get profit we think it is easy for any body but after some day trading we see that it is not as easy as we think. So learn more and get more. Little  knowledge then do not trade in a real account. Now start with a demo account with only 10 dollar and see the result of your little knowledge.

 difficult to accept losing


when we trade we want  profit. we never trade for lose. So when we see lose in our account we can not accept it. It gives us pain. But it is true that we will must get lose and profit both in our trade. Only profit is not a way of trading. so try to accept lose and win finally.

 What is the ideal pips per day ?


It may be 50 pips in 4 digit plat form I hope that is really good. When we trade here we see 100 pips  are so hard to get . I try to get 50 pips and for that I have to wait long time. it is true that we need to follow the money management policy to get this 50 pips.





No, never. We can not be a good experienced trader by a demo trading. all the function of demo account and real account are same but  real account trading experience is the main experience in the real market. You will see the result that real account is really helpful to learn Forex well.

 Predicting is Not the Correct Way to Make Profits

The correct way is to trade with the market. We need to understand the reason of movement of the market. When we trade by prediction , we do our trade with luck. Most of the time luck can not give us profit. do not predict , follow the money management policy with analysis report and news report.





Forex Is A Game


It is up to you . if you think that it is a game then it is a game. But I see the business way of Forex market. It is a real business market. Here every thing has a good way to do this business. So when you think it is a game then you see the lose not profit but if you take it as a business then you will get good profit.

 which is better, buy stop or buy limit order?


Buy limit is more profit able if we can give a correct buy limit. It gives more profit in a long time trading. we can use buy stop but I find buy limit is profitable than buy stop.

 demo and real then whats the difference


One more important difference is real account gives real experience and demo account gives no experience. Demo teaches how to use the option of the softer.

 I need some money, forex is only source for that.

To make money from Forex you need first experience and knowledge then you can make more money with in short time. just wait for a perfect time and make a big volume and catch the money.

 perfect lot size.


Yes, you said a perfect advice for us. e should make lot size with a calculation. Your money management will say what should be your perfect lot size. You should make a target of 2 % profit in a day. So use your lot size with calculation.

My target is two, Learn and Earn money from Forex.


Two items are very important in Forex market. One is learning and another is earning. Only good learning can teach us how to earn in Forex market. This two will give us power to become success in trading business.





 loss can not make us looser


you said the real talk for us . your sentence gives me power to trade in Forex. We get lose naturally but we can earn money from here by our mind and soul. We need to believe this business and try to win here.

 People also make money here


There are many people who lose their capital in Forex market. At the same time there are good numbers of people who earn money by Forex regularly. In short you can earn money by long time trading or in a perfect way. It is true that some people are making money here.

 Now time to join Forex World (2)


Yes, it is a perfect time to join in Forex business. Now it is clear that Forex is a pure business and it will continue life time. as every people want money or earning so I think Forex is the easy way to join a good business. Join today , get profit today.

 Do you think that Forex is an opportunity for you ?


I know the use of computer and I like online business. I find Forex trading as a good life time business. I prefer this business and I hopefully say that Forex is the best opportunity for me.

 Earn through the forex.


Here we can get profit and lose both. We need good practice to earn good profit.earning through Forex is opened for all. You can join here and start learning first then you get earning easily.

 How do you choice ?


This is a right point. What should I do? Will I buy the currency or sell the currency. This is a burning question for all. For that we need more reading about analysis report and wait for good profit. if you read the analysis report then you will find the market profitable. Then you can choice the option. What is right now. Buy or sell. You will be able to choose now by your knowledge and experience.

 Big capital or small capital...


Big capital give a big change to earn a big amount. With small capital we can not make more profit. and here we get lose easily. I like big capital and with a big capital we can also earn easily. that’s good for  expert traders.

can successful demo trader win live account?


Live account trading is more difficult than demo account. Demo account just give you a good idea but to make profit in live account you need practice in live account for 2 years then you will win in a live account.





 has forex great opportunity to students?


Students can start learning easily about Forex. By this learning they can easily start earning. They should follow the news and analysis report to understand the market better. Here they also enjoy the earning by their knowledge.

 Is any graduate can take the Forex as a career?


In this situation they should join in a job and at the same time they can start learning about it. In their spear time they  start trading with little profit target. After many days when they find the market profitable then they can take it as a career. that mean I say when they feel it is right time to take it a career they they can only choose it.

 Shouldn't we overcome our fear?


Any way we should overcome our fear. We need a clear idea and follow the perfect way of trading. by this process we can overcome our fear. Long time practice and believe can overcome fear.

 Is Gambling Possible in Forex Market??


Yes, there is a change of gambling. By this way you may get huge money or lose your total money. I hate gambling. I like regular trading with a money management plan.

'Success' is not so easy.


Any where success is more time working job. You need long time trading experience to be success in Forex market. Only believe and long time trading experience can give us success.

Do you like risk taking trading or safe trading?


Yea, I like safe trading. some times I use risk trading and get more fear. Then I can not enjoy the movement. Now I fear risk trading. I use long time safe trading and I am now happy with this process. I love safe trading and I hope I can continue this trading life time.

 Most difficult problem faced in the Forex market and how you solve them?


I fined my account a great lose . then I use the opposite trade and wait for a big movement. After that I wait for a good position and take a great risk. After two days I find only 2 dollar profit and I close all my trade. Now I trade with a calculation and not every day.






 Why traders don't do so well with micro accounts...


Most of the micro accounts holder make poor deposit but trade a big volume. They do not understand the market trading way. With little balance they trade a big volume and get a big lose. So they can not do well easily .

 Analysis is required or not?


Analysis is the main way to get profit. with out analysis our trade depends on luck. That means we may get profit or not. when we analysis the market then we hope the profit and it is the right way to analysis the market before trade.

 for me, forex is the only way to reach my goal!




Me too, I also take this business only my earning source. Now I trade regularly and earn very well. It is true that I came this platform by long time practice. Now my only way is Forex and  I am doing this to catch my  goal.

 If you love forex, forex will give you profit.So love forex and earn profit.

Love and believe can give us profit here. with this love and believe we should trade here by our analysis knowledge. When we love this then we make care to trade .knowledge and love give us power to trade in a right way.

 Learning Is better than earning For the beginers.


Every body wants earning , learning is the easy way to make profit. so to earn here first we need learning and for that we should invest time here. with this earning we can earn here a good profit.

Get some knowledge about forex.


Forex is a good market . you need a clear idea about this market. Only your knowledge can say that this is a right place to make money by online trading system. So your first work is to know the Forex market well.

 fast internet or slow internet? (2)


fast internet is always better for Forex trade. When we trade with slow internet speed then we see that some times we give buy or sell but internet connection can not give the ordet and we try again and again. In the fast internet connection we can do it in one change.

 forex is good business of the world


There are many good business but Forex is exceptional of them. We can do all in Forex market with a internet connection. It is open for 5 days in a week .here we can do buy and sell. So we enjoy on the both side. It may goes up or down. We can make profit on the both side. And the trading is also enjoyable.



so this platform is good for the people who have a job already?


Job holder can make a good number of capital and start trading with his own money. In the free time they can learn about this and can also make a buy limit or sell limit option. It is a part time work for them with their job.

 Is forex a big hand for traders?


Traders find the Forex as a big market to trade for life time. it will give them a big scope to earn by online for ever. Here every trader can win by their brain work and they can make it a good profession for better career.

This rules is very crazy but helpful for all traders."Love to lose money."




Lose can give money here. we have to wait for that. We see the now which trade show lose after some times it can give profit. that means in lose time we need to wait for profit then  profit comes by time.

 forex is hard work or Smart business (2)


It is a smart work. We can do this any time and also give the buy limit order and sell order. It is also enjoy able that we can check our account any time from any where. We just need a connection of internet. It is really a smart business.

 Why can't we control our emotions?


It is not easy to control  emotion in trade. We can do it by long time practice and we should remember that it is a change for us. we have to control the emotion in trade then we can make profit by tiom.


1 টি মন্তব্য:

  1. I wonder why Forex trading are not considered normal in some countries. Most people think it is just like gambling. It is merely the exchange of foreign currencies that's it. I think people should change the way they see Forex Trading.

    Best Regards,
    Ramiz Jilani
    Forex Fund Management
