মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪


Rules of Right forms of verbs for JSC Exam
Right form of verb
ইংরেজি ভাষায় একটি Sentence- ব্যবহূত প্রতিটি word- কোনো না কোনো কাজ করে থাকে। প্রতিটি word-এর মধ্যে verb সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। সাধারণত যে word দ্বারা কোনো কিছু করা, হওয়া, থাকা, বোঝায় তাকে verb বলে। Verb is the heart of sentence. তাই verb-কে বাক্যের প্রাণ বলা হয়ে থাকে। Latin শব্দ verbum থেকে এই শব্দটির উৎপত্তি। বাক্যের গঠনশৈলীতে noun-এর পরই verb-এর স্থান। Noun, pronoun object-কে বিশেষভাবে গতিশীল করে রাখে এই verb Verb ছাড়া কোনো sentence তৈরি করা যায় না। Verb-গুলো সাধারণত voice, tense, mood, narration Sentence পরিবর্তনে সহায়তা করে থাকে। একটি sentence- দুই ধরনের verb ব্যবহূত হতে পারে। যেমন: Principle verb Auxiliary verb.
Principle verb :
যে verb-এর নিজস্ব অর্থ থাকে না, বিভিন্ন প্রকাশের জন্য অন্যের ওপর নির্ভর করতে হয় না, তাকে principle verb বলে।
Auxiliary verb :
যে verb-এর নিজস্ব অর্থ থাকে না, বিভিন্ন প্রকার sentence অথবা tense, voice বা mood-এর রূপ গঠনের জন্য অন্য verb-কে সাহায্য করে থাকে, তাকে Auxiliary verb বলে।
Example : Rana is writing an application.
তোমাদের মনে রাখতে হবে, একই verb, Principle and Auxiliary দুইভাবেই ব্যবহূত হতে পারে। যেমন: I am a student. এখানে ‘am’ Principle verb.
আবার, I am writing a letter. এখানে ‘am’ Auxiliary verb.
Principle verb
Auxiliary verb ছাড়াও Finite verb, Non-Finite verb, Transitive verb Intransitive verb রয়েছে। এগুলো বাক্য গঠনের ক্ষেত্রে অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে।
1. Sentence
যদি Present indefinite tense হয় এবং Subject যদি Third Person singular number হয়, তবে verb-এর সঙ্গে s/es যুক্ত হয়। যেমন:
# She (write) a letter.
Ans.: She writes a letter.
# The baby (cry).
Ans.: The baby cries.
দ্বারা দুটি Past tense যুক্ত থাকলে before-এর আগের অংশে Past perfect tense এবং পরের অংশ Past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন:
We (reach) our school before the bell rang.
Ans.: We had reached our school before the bell rang.
The patient had died before the doctor (come).
Ans.: The patient had died before the doctor came.
# After
দ্বারা দুটি Past tense যুক্ত থাকলে এর আগের অংশ Past indefinite tense এবং পরের অংশ Past perfect tense হয়। যেমন:
They arrived the station after the train (leave).
Ans.: They arrived the station after the train had left.
The patient (die) after the doctor had come.
Ans.: The patient died after the doctor had come.
# No sooner had ............. than,
Scarcely had .......... when,
Hardly had .......... when—
প্রথম অংশ Past perfect tense অনুযায়ী হয়, অর্থাৎ verb-এর Past participle form হবে। দ্বিতীয় অংশ Past indefinite tense অনুযায়ী হয়, অর্থাৎ verb-এর Past form হয়। যেমন:
No sooner had the bell (ring) than the teacher (enter) the classroom.
Ans.: No sooner had the bell rung than the teacher entered the classroom.
Scarcely had he (arrive) at the bus stand when the bus (leave).
Ans.: Scarcely had he arrived at the bus stand when the bus left.
Hardly had the snatcher (take) the chain when he (run) away.
Ans.: Hardly had the snatcher taken the chain when he ran away.
সাধারণত since দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত থাকলে এবং since-এর আগের অংশ Present indefinite/Present perfect tense হলে পরের অংশ Past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন:
It is many years since he (give) up smoking.
Ans.: It is many years since he gave up smoking.
Five years have passed since he (leave) the house.
Ans.: Five years have passed since he left the house.
আবার since দ্বারা clause যুক্ত থাকলে এবং since-এর আগে clause বা বাক্যের অংশ Past indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ verb -এর Past perfect tense হয়। যেমন:
Many years passed since I (meet) him last.
Ans.: Many years passed since I had met him last.
It was many years since I (visit) there.
Ans.: It was many years since I had visited there.
# Passive voice-
সর্বদা verb-এর past participle form হয়। যেমন: This work was (do) by him.
Ans.: This work was done by him.
The problem has been (solve) by him.
Ans.: The problem has been solved by him.
The school was (close) for sine die.
Ans.: The school was closed for sine die.
# Simple sentence-
দুটি verb থাকলে দ্বিতীয় verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয় অথবা দ্বিতীয় verbটির আগে to বসে।
যেমন: He saw the boy (play) in the field.
Ans.: He saw the boy playing in the field.
I heard him (speak).
Ans.: I heard him speaking.
He helps me (make) the house.
Ans.: He helps me making the house.
Note :
দ্বিতীয় verbটি যদি উদ্দেশ্য বোঝাতে ব্যবহূত হয় তবে দ্বিতীয় verb-এর আগে to বসে।
যেমন: I went to the library (read) newspaper.
Ans.: I went to the library to read newspaper.
He repaired the boat (sell) it.
Ans.: He repaired the boat to sell it.
13. Modal auxiliary verb
যেমন : can, could, may, might, should, would, ought to, used to, must ইত্যাদি থাকলে মূল verb-এর present form হয়। যেমন: He can (do) it easily. Ans.: He can do it easily.
Everybody should (respect) his parents.
Ans.: Everybody should respect his parents.
It may (rain) today. Ans.: It may rain today.
সাধারণত sentence যদি ভবিষ্যৎ নির্দেশক শব্দ বা phrase যেমন: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in future, next ইত্যাদি থাকলে future indefinite tense হবে এবং verb-এর present form বসে। যেমন: I (go) to Dhaka tomorrow.
Ans.: I shall go to Dhaka tomorrow.
He (join) there the next day.
Ans.: He will join there the next day.
15. Sentence-
এর subject singular number হলে verb singular হয় এবং subject plural হলে verb plural number হয়।
যেমন: The taste of the mangoes (to be) sour.
Ans.: The taste of the mangoes is sour.
The flowers of the garden (to be) beautiful.
Ans.: The flowers of the garden are beautiful.
These papers (to be) printed.
Ans.: These papers are printed.
মূল verb-এর আগে to be বা having থাকলে verb-এর past participle form হয়। যেমন: A community centre is going to be (establish).
Ans.: A community centre is going to be established.
I do not mind (have) a cup of coffee.
Ans.: I do not mind having a cup of coffee.
He went home (have) his salary.
Ans.: He went home having his salary.
সাধারণত It is time, it is high time, wish ইত্যাদির পরে subject bracket- মূল verb থাকলে verb-এর past form হয়।
যেমন: It is time you (finish) a course on English language.
Ans.: It is time you finished a course on English language.
I wish I (sing). Ans.: I wish I sang.
আবার, It is time, it is high time-এর পর যদি bracket- মূল verb থাকে, তবে ওই verb-এর আগে to বসবে এবং ওই verb অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।
যেমন: It is time (play). Ans.: It is time to play.
It is high time (stand) by the flood-affected people.
Ans.: It is high time to stand by the flood-affected people.
18. As if, as though, wish
ইত্যাদি থাকলে subject-এর পরে be verb-এর পরিবর্তে were বসে। যেমন: He behaves as if he (be) a leader.
Ans.: He behaves as if he were a leader.
I wish I (be) a millionaire.
Ans.: I wish I were a millionaire.
19. As if, as though
দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত থাকলে প্রথম clauseটি Present tense হলে পরবর্তী clauseটি Past indefinite হয়। প্রথম clauseটি Past tense হলে পরের clauseটি Past perfect tense হয়। যেমন: He behaves as if he (buy) the car.
Ans.: He behaves as if he bought the car.
He spoke as though he (do) a great task.
Ans.: He spoke as though he had done a great task.
20. While
যুক্ত sentence- while-এর পরে verb থাকলে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়। আবার while-এর পরে subject থাকলে Past continuous tense হয়। যেমন: While (take) dinner, he received the phone. Ans.: While taking dinner, he received the phone.
While I (play) in the field, I saw him coming.
Ans.: While I was playing in the field, I saw him coming.
21. Lest
দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত থাকলে lest-এর পরবর্তী subject-এর সঙ্গে auxiliary verb ‘should’/‘might’ বসে। যেমন: Read attentively lest you (fail) in the examination.
Ans.: Read attentively lest you should fail in the examination.
Walk fast lest you (be) late in your class.
Ans.: Walk fast lest you might be late in your class.
22. Would that
দ্বারা sentence শুরু হলে subject-এর পরে could বসে এবং মূল verb-এর Present form হয়। যেমন: Would that I (be) a bird! Ans.: Would that I could be a bird!
Would that I (visit) Cox’s Bazar
Ans.: Would that I could visit Cox’s Bazar
সাধারণত each, one of, every, either, neither ইত্যাদি দ্বারা কোনো subject গঠিত হলে সেটি third person singular number হয়। তাই এদের পরের verbটিও singular number হয়। যেমন: Each boy (come) here. Ans.: Each boy comes here.
Everybody (wish) to be happy. Ans.: Everybody wishes to be happy.
24. Adjective-
এর আগে the বসলে subjectটি plural হয় এবং তদনুযায়ী verb বসে।
যেমন: The virtuous (to be) blessed.
Ans.: The virtuous are blessed.
The poor (live) from hand to mouth.
Ans.: The poor live from hand to mouth.
25. Titles, names, phrase of measurement
দেখতে plural হলেও singular verb হয়।
যেমন: Thirty miles (to be) a long way.
Ans.: Thirty miles is a long way.
Star Wars (to be) an excellent movie.
Ans.: Star Wars is an excellent movie.
Eight hours (to be) a long time to work.
Ans.: Eight hours is a long time to work.
কোনো sentence ‘It’ দ্বারা শুরু হলে পরবর্তী verb singular হয়।
যেমন: It (to be) difficult to do.
Ans.: It is difficult to do.
It (to be) you who have done this.
Ans.: It is you who have done this.
কোনো sentence যদি introductory there দ্বারা শুরু হয় এবং তারপর singular number থাকে, there-এর singular verb হয়। আর যদি there-এর পরে plural number থাকে তবে plural verb হয়।
যেমন: There (to be) a big river beside our village.
Ans.: There was a big river beside our village.
There (to be) a lot of work left for us.
Ans.: There were a lot of work left for us.
28. Let, had better, had rather, would better, would rather
ইত্যাদি থাকলে form বসে।
যেমন: I would rather die than (beg) .
Ans.: I would rather die than beg.
Would you let me (go) there?
Ans.: Would you let me go there?
29. If
যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ Present indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ Future indefinite হয়, অর্থাৎ structureটি হয় ‘If + Present + Future’.
যেমন: If you work hard, you (prosper) in life.
Ans.: If you work hard, you will prosper in life.
If he reads more he (pass) in the examination.
Ans.: If he reads more, he will pass in the examination.
30. If-
যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ Indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশে subject-এর পরে would/could/might বসে এবং verb-এর Present form হয়। অর্থাৎ, structureটি হয় ‘If + Past indefinite’—(Subject + would/could/might + verb-এর Present form)
যেমন: If he agreed, I (give) the money.
Ans.: If he agreed, I would give the money.
If you studied, you (get) a good result.
Ans.: If you studied, you would get a good result.
If they tried, they (succeed).
Ans.: If they tried, they would succeed.
31. If-
যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথম অংশ Past perfect tense হলে পরের অংশে subject-এর পরে would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb-এর Past participle form হয়।
যেমন: If you had finished it sincerely, you (get) a profit. Ans.: If you had finished it sincerely, you would have got a profit.
If I had possessed vast wealth, I (help) the poor people.
Ans.: If I had possessed vast wealth, I would have helped the poor people.
32. To
ব্যাতিত preposition-এর পরের verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।
যেমন: He is now engaged in (read).
Ans.: He is now engaged in reading.
One can gather knowledge by (travel).
Ans.: One can gather knowledge by traveling.
33. Can not help, could not help, look forward to, with a view to, get used to, mind
ইত্যাদির পরে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।
যেমন: He came to Dhaka with a view to (find) a job.
Ans.: He came to Dhaka with a view to finding a job.
I cannot help (laugh).
Ans.: I cannot help laughing.
কোনো sentence-এর শুরুতে subject-এর স্থানে verb থাকলে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়।
যেমন: (To swim) is a good exercise.
Ans.: Swimming is a good exercise.
(To speak) is an art.
Ans.: Speaking is an art.
35. If-
যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথমটিতে subject-এর পর were থাকলে দ্বিতীয় অংশে subject-এর পরে would/could/ might বসে এবং verb-এর Present from বসে। আবার, would have/could have/would have- বসতে পারে। সে ক্ষেত্রে verb-এর Past participle form বসে।
যেমন: If I were an artist, I (draw) a nice picture.
Ans: If I were a artist, I would draw a nice picture.
If I were a billionaire, I (establish) a hospital for the poor.
Ans.: If I were a billionaire, I would establish a hospital for the poor.
36. Had-
এর পরে subject এবং verb-এর Past participle থাকলে পরবর্তী clause-এর subject-এর পরে would have/could have/might have + verb-এর Past participle form বসে।
যেমন: Had I been a teacher, I (talk) the real story to my students.
Ans.: Had I been a teacher, I would have talked the real story to my students.
37. Verb ‘to be’-
বিহীন sentence-কে negative বা interrogative করতে হলে tense subject-এর number person অনুসারে do, does, did ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
যেমন: We not (play) Ha-du-du.
Ans.: We do not play Ha-du-du.
She not (play) football.
Ans.: She does not play football.
সাধারণত preposition—on, in of, for, from, by, after at, beyond, upon, against, with, without, before ইত্যাদিএর পরে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়।
Rina is busy in (do) her homework.
Ans.: Rina is busy in doing her homework.
Keep on (try) hard.
Ans.: Keep on trying hard.
39. Interrogative sentence
যদি who, what, why, which, when, where, whose, how ইত্যাদি question word দ্বারা শুরু হয়, তাহলে subject-এর আগে tense person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb ব্যবহার করতে হবে।
Why he (look) so happy?
Ans.: Why does he look so happy?
When father (come)?
Ans.: When will father come?
সাধারণত নিচে লিখিত verb-গুলোর পরে gerund বসে। যেমন: admit, enjoy, report, appreciate, finish, recent, avoid, mind, resist, miss, resume, consider, postpone, risk, delay, practice, suggest, escape, imagine, save, recall, prevent, propose, stop, deny, quit ইত্যাদি।
We enjoy (watch) TV.
Ans.: We enjoy watching TV.
I have finished (writing).
Ans.: I have finished writing.

এবার Right form of verb lesson-এর ওপর যে জ্ঞান অর্জন করেছ, তার একটি যাচাই পরীক্ষা দিয়ে দাও।
Using the right form of the verbs in the following sentences.
i) He usually (get) up early in the morning.
ii) When father (come)?
iii) Rina is busy in (do) her homework.
iv) We not (play) Ha-du-du.
v) He is now engaged in (read).
i) If they tried, they (succeed).
ii) If you work hard, you (prosper) in life.
iii) I (receive) the letter just now.
iv) Neela (come) from Dhaka the day after tomorrow. v) I (get) the parcel last month.
give — leave — try — swim — go — draw
i) They arrived the station after the train —.
ii) It is many years since he — up smoking. iii) If I were an artist, I — a nice picture. iv) Keep on — hard.
v) — is a good exercise.
sit — take — see — go — live
i) Once upon a time there — a king. ii) — on the chair. iii) I feel like — a cup of tea now. iv) Many years have passed since I — him. v) I cannot but — there.

Rules of Right form of verb for JSC Exam
Right form of verbs

ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের অংশে clueসহ কিংবা clue ব্যতীত ৫টি শূন্যস্থান সংবলিত একটি passage দেওয়া থাকবে।
তোমাদের number, person, tense voice অনুসারে verb-এর সঠিক রূপ ব্যবহার করে passageটি সম্পূর্ণ করতে হবে। ধরনের শূন্যস্থান পূরণের জন্য তোমাদের verb-এর সঠিক ব্যবহার জানা অত্যাবশ্যক। আর জন্য verb, tense, number voice- পূর্ণ দক্ষতা অর্জনের কোনো বিকল্প নেই। ছাড়া পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণে conjugation of verbs মুখস্থ করতে হবে। verb-এর সঠিক ব্যবহারের স্বার্থে verb অনুসারে অনেক নিয়ম উপস্থাপন করেছি, যাতে নিয়মগুলো তোমরা সহজেই আয়ত্ত করে নিতে পারো।
Subject 3rd person singular number
হলে present indefinite tense- মূল verb-এর সঙ্গে s বা es যোগ হবে। অন্য person বা plural number হলে মূল verb-এর সঙ্গে s বা es সংযুক্ত হবে না।
¾a. Rina (eat)
Ans. Rina eats rice.
¾b. She (change)
Ans. She changes it.
 a song.
¾c. Mitu (sing)
Ans. Mitu sings a song.
 of nine planets.
¾d. Our solar system (consist)
Ans. Our solar system consists of nine planets.
¾e. All animals (need)
Ans. All animals needs water.
Exercise for practice
a lot of books.
¾a. A student (buy)
on the stage.
¾b. The girl (dance)
 to smoke.
¾c. He (dislike)
skilled manpower.
¾d. Bangladesh (need)
a new era for us.
¾e. 1971 (bring)
the fair.
¾f. A brave man (deserve)
his life.
¾g. An idle man (ruin)
after our family.
¾h. My mother (look)
a good hand.
¾i. He (write)
to be honest.
¾j. He (appear)
Universal truth (
চিরন্তন সত্য), habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত কর্ম), historical event (ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা) বোঝালে present indefinite tense হবে। একে ‘Universal present tense’ বলে।
in the East.
¾a. The sun (rise)
Ans. The sun rises in the East.
round the sun.
¾b. The earth (move)
Ans. The earth moves round the sun.
after night.
¾c. Day (come)
Ans. Day comes after night.
like a chain smoker.
¾d. The man (to smoke)
Ans. The man smokes like a chain smoker.
Exercise for practice
¾a. A piousman (get)
¾b. Darkness (symbolize)
 on water.
¾c. Ice (float)
 at night.
¾d. The moon (appear)
 exercise regularly.
¾e. My father (to take)
বাক্যে ব্র্যাকেটের মধ্যে যদি Be verb থাকে, তবে Be verbটি Subject-এর Number, Person বাক্যের Tense অনুযায়ী am, is, are/was, were হয়। তবে বাক্যের Subject singular হলে বাক্যের verbটিও singular হবে, আর বাক্যের subjectটি plural হলে verbটিও plural হবে।
¾a. The virtuous (b)
Ans. The virtuous are blessed.
 not always happy.
¾b. The rich (be)
Ans. The rich are not always happy.
 two people on the board. Ans. There were two people on the board.
¾c. There (be)
 a doctor but now he is no more. Ans. He was a doctor but now he is no more.
¾d. He (be)
life. Ans.: Water is life.
¾e. Water (be)
বি.দ্র.: subjectটি গাণিতিক সংখ্যা হলে (unit) subject-এর পরের verbটি singular হয়।
a long distance.
¾Eighty miles (be)
Ans.: Eighty miles is a long distance.
Exercise for practice
¾a. Bees (be)
 a book on the table.
¾b. There (be)
 in the Heaven.
¾c. They (be)
 in pennies.
¾d. Sixty cents of it (be)
 a big tree in our village.
¾e. There (be)
Rule 4:
একটি simple sentence- দুটি main verb থাকলে পরেরটির সাথে ing যোগ হবে। কিছু নির্দিষ্ট verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত করতে হবে।
¾a. I heard him (to say)
Ans.: I heard him saying this.
 the book.
¾b. He has finished (to read)
Ans.: He has finished reading the book.
 up over the hill
¾c. I saw Jerry (go)
Ans.: I saw Jerry going up over the hill.
¾d. My teacher stopped me (say)
Ans.: My teacher stopped me saying so.
 past him.
¾e. The old sailor watched the people (walk)
Ans.: The old sailor watched the people walking past him.
Exercise for practice
¾a. The girl came to me (dance)
¾b. Jerry saw the authoress (write)
¾c. I heart my mother (call)
¾d. The children came to me (run)
 round the ship.
¾e. The old sailor saw the water snake (swim)
Rule 5: Had better, had rather, would better. would rather, must, need, dare, secondary auxiliary
বা modal verb-এর পর নিয়ম অনুযায়ী মূল verb-এর present form হয় এবং verbটির আগে to থাকলে to উঠে যায়।
¾a. You had better (to go)
Ans.: You had better go home.
 the class room.
¾b. I will not let you (to enter)
Ans.: I will not let you enter the class room.
 our parents.
¾c. We must (to obey)
Ans.: We must obey our parents.
¾d. I need not (to go)
Ans.: I need not go there.
 you speak with me?
¾e. How (to dare)
Ans.: How dare you speak with me?
Exercise for practice
 to night.
¾a. John would rather (to study)
 than beg.
¾b. I had rather (to die)
 the car.
¾c. The authors dare not (to drive)
¾d. They had better (to stop)
¾e. Roberto would rather not (to be)
Rule 6: Just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently
ইত্যাদি থাকলে present perfect tense হবে।
 out just now.
¾Example: a. He (go)
Ans.: He has gone out just now.
 the station.
¾b. The train just (reach)
Ans.: The train has just reached the station.
 to Dhaka?
¾c. You ever (be)
Ans.: Have you ever been to Dhaka?
d. Lately he (write) — a grammar book.
Ans. Lately he has written a grammar book.
e. He already (complete) — MA.
Ans. He has already completed MA.
Exercise for practice
a. We (buy) — a television set just now.
b. You ever (see) — a pier glass in an $ 8 flat?
c. Recently they (shift) — to a new flat.
d. Lately he (get) — married.
অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ বা phrase; যেমন: ago, long since, last, before, yesterday ইত্যাদি থাকলে verb-এর past indefinite tense হবে।
Example: a. He (leave) — home last night.
Ans. He left home last night.
b. A cyclone (break) — out last night.
Ans. A cyclone broke out last night.
c. Before Christ he (preach) — Islam.
Ans. Before Christ he preached Islam.
d. Ten years ago I (live) — in Paris.
Ans. Ten years ago I lived in Paris.
e. I (see) — you long since.
Ans. I saw you long since.
Exercise for practice
a. Tanin (write) — thesis many years ago.
b. I not (see) — him since last Monday.
c. He (buy) — a piece of land before one year.
Rule 8: As well as, with, accompanied with, along with, together with, in addition to
ইত্যাদি দ্বারা দুটি subject যুক্ত হলে প্রথম subject অনুযায়ী verb বসে থাকে।
¾Example: a. Becon as well as Shakespeare (be)
Ans. : Becon as well as Shakespeare was dead.
 a lest tomorrow.
¾b. My sister accompanied with Zilan will (to have)
Ans.: My sister accompanied with Zilan will have a lest tomorrow.
 present there.
¾c. I with my brother (be)
Ans. : I with my brother was present there.
 the poor.
¾d. They together with me (to help)
Ans.: They together with me help the poor.
 the race.
¾e. Honest in addition to hard working (to win)
Ans.: Honest in addition to hard working wins the race.
Exercise for practice
a. Della as well as Jim (to have) — morality.
b. I in addition to his support (work) — always.
c. She accompanied with her brother (go) — shopping everyday.
Rule-8: As well as, with, accompanied with, along with, together with, in addition to
ইত্যাদি দিয়ে দুটি subject যুক্ত হলে প্রথম subject অনুযায়ী verb বসে।
Example: a. Becon as well as Shakespeare (be) — dead.
Ans. Becon as well as Shakespeare was dead.
b. My sister accompanied with Zilan will (to have) — a test tomorrow.
Ans. My sister accompanied with Zilan will have a test tomorrow.
c. In with my brother (be) — Present there.
d. They together with me (to help) — the poor.
Ans. They together with me help the poor.
e. Honesty in addition to hard working (to win) — the race.
Ans. Honesty in addition to hard working wins the race.
Exercise for practice
a. Della as well as Jim (to have) — morality.
b. I in addition to his support (work) — always
c. She accompanied with her brother (go) — shopping everyday. d. Mother together with father (deposit) — money for their child.
e. Nisat as well as her teacher (be) — going to Dhaka.
Rule-9: Before-
এর আগে past perfect tense এবং পরে past indefinit tense হবে। আর after-এর আগে past indefinit এবং পরে past perfect tense হবে।
a. The patient (die) — before the doctor came.
Ans. The patient had died before the doctor come.
b. The patient died after the doctor (come) —.
Ans. The patient died after the doctor had come.
c. They arrived here after you (leave) —.
Ans. They arrived here after you had left.
d. We reached home after it (start) — to raining.
Ans. We reached home after it had started to raining.
e. The bell rang after I (reach) — school.
Ans. The bell rang after I had reached school.
Exercise for practice
a. The students stood up after the teacher (enter) — the room.
b. The boy had reached the school before the bell (ring) —.
c. I went to Dhaka after I (hear) — the news.
d. He went to Cox’s Bazar after his mother (Permit) — him.
e. The patient had become well before the doctor (come) —.
Right form of verb
   Rule-10: As if, as though
ইত্যাদির আগে present tense হলে পরে past indefinite হবে এবং আগে past indefinite tense হলে পরে past perfect tense হবে।
a. He talks as if he (to be) — a leader.
Ans. He talks as if he was a leader.
b. She proceeded as though I (not speak) —.
Ans. She proceeded as though I had not spoken.
c. He behaves as if he (do) — everything.
Ans. He behaves as if he did everything.
d. He acted as though he (know) — all.
Ans. He acted as though he had known all.
Exercise for practice
a. They talked as though they (to be) — afraid of.
b. She behaves as if he (speak) — the truth.
c. The student behaved as though he (to be) — sick.
Rule-11: Point of time (
নির্দিষ্ট সময়) বোঝালে since এবং period of time (অনির্দিষ্ট সময়) বোঝালে for বসে। ক্ষেত্রে present perfect continuous tense হবে।
a. He (read) — the book for two hours.
Ans. He has been reading the book for two hours.
b. It (rain) — since morning.
Ans. It has been raining since morning.
c. We (play) — for an hour.
Ans. we have been playing for an hour.
d. Mr. Kamal (live) — in Dhaka since 1995.
Ans. Mr. Kamal has been living in Dhaka since 1995.
Exercise for practice
a. Robin (try) — to open the box since morning.
b. Polly (practice) — dancing for two days.
c. I (write) — this grammar book since Friday last.
Rule-12: Main clouse-
এর vervটি past tense-এর হলে এবং পরের অংশে next- পরে day, weak, month, year প্রভৃতির উল্লেখ থাকলে ওই অংশে would বসে এবং ব্রাকেটের verbটির present form হয়।
a. Shimol said that he (buy) — a computer the next day. Ans. Shimol said that he would buy a computer the next day.
b. I told them that I (go) — there.
Ans. I told them that I would go there.
c. Sumi said that she (do) — better.
Ans. Sumi said that she would do better.
d. I told him that they (resign) — next day.
Ans. I told him that they would resign next day.
Exercise for practice
a. She assured that she (help) — me.
b. We talked that we (solve) — the problem.
c. Nila discussed that she (take) — it.

32. To
ব্যাতিত preposition-এর পরের verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।
যেমন: He is now engaged in (read).
Ans.: He is now engaged in reading.
One can gather knowledge by (travel).
Ans.: One can gather knowledge by traveling.
33. Can not help, could not help, look forward to, with a view to, get used to, mind
ইত্যাদির পরে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যুক্ত হয়।
যেমন: He came to Dhaka with a view to (find) a job.
Ans.: He came to Dhaka with a view to finding a job.
I cannot help (laugh).
Ans.: I cannot help laughing.
কোনো sentence-এর শুরুতে subject-এর স্থানে verb থাকলে verb-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়।
যেমন: (To swim) is a good exercise.
Ans.: Swimming is a good exercise.
(To speak) is an art.
Ans.: Speaking is an art.
35. If-
যুক্ত clause-এর প্রথমটিতে subject-এর পর were থাকলে দ্বিতীয় অংশে subject-এর পরে would/could/ might বসে এবং verb-এর Present from বসে। আবার, would have/could have/would have- বসতে পারে। সে ক্ষেত্রে verb-এর Past participle form বসে।
যেমন: If I were an artist, I (draw) a nice picture.
Ans: If I were a artist, I would draw a nice picture.
If I were a billionaire, I (establish) a hospital for the poor.
Ans.: If I were a billionaire, I would establish a hospital for the poor.
36. Had-
এর পরে subject এবং verb-এর Past participle থাকলে পরবর্তী clause-এর subject-এর পরে would have/could have/might have + verb-এর Past participle form বসে।
যেমন: Had I been a teacher, I (talk) the real story to my students.
Ans.: Had I been a teacher, I would have talked the real story to my students.
Posted by S.M. Ahsan Habib at 5:44 PM http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif

Practice:Right forms of Verbs;Board Questions(SSC)-2007-2012

1.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
KvR Kiv
D™¢veb Kiv
Avwe¯‹vi Kiv
Computer has (a)----about revolutionary change in the world.But it (b)----overnight.It (c)-----a long time to invent computer.Many votaries of science (d)----hard for years and finally (e)----out successful.(Kw¤úDUvi we‡k¦ GKwU ‰ec­weK cwieZ©b wb‡q G‡m‡Q|wKš— GwU ivZvivwZ D™¢vweZ nqwb|Kw¤úDUvi D™¢veb Ki‡Z A‡bK mgq †j‡MwQj|A‡bK weÁvb AbyivMx eQ‡ii ci K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡iwQ‡jb Ges Ae‡k‡l mdj n‡qwQ‡jb|)
Answer: (a) brought (b) was not invented /had not been invented (c) returned (d) have heard
2.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:  
mgvavb Kiv
‰Zwi Kiv
cwiYZ nIqv
‡gvKvwejv Kiv
‡Póv Kiv
Now a days Bangladesh (a)…unemployment problem. This problem already has  (b)….an alarming dimension. The government is (c)…..to cope with this problem. But this problem can be (d)….if our vast population is (e)….into human resources.(m¤cÖwZ evsjv‡`k †eKvi mgm¨vi m¤§yLxb| B‡Zvg‡a¨ G mgm¨v Avkv•LvRbK AvKv‡ii i~c avib K‡i‡Q|miKvi G mgm¨v mvgvj w`‡Z †Póv Ki‡Q|wKš‘ G mgm¨v mgvavb Kiv hvq hw` AwaK RbmsLv gvbe m¤ú‡` iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z cvwi|)  
Answer: (a) faces (b) turned (c) trying (d) solved (e) kept
3.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
‡Póv Kiv
e¨envi Kiv
Av‡ivnb Kiv
Polas reads in class six.He goes to school regurly.One day he was (a)------home with his friend,Kamal after school.Looking at a beautiful bird they they stopped(b)-----.The bird was blue and yellow colour.They (c)-----to each it.Polas said to Kamal, “I’ll now (d)------up the tree and will try to catch the kingfisher.” Kamal (e)----to call their other friends to enjoy the event.(cjvk 6ô †kªYx‡Z c‡o|‡m cÖwZw`b ¯‹z‡j hvq|GKw`b ¯‹zj †k‡l †m Zvi eÜz Kvgv‡ji mv‡_ evwo wdiwQj|GKwU my›`i cvwL †`‡L Zviv †_‡g †Mj|cvwLwU wQj bxjvf njy` is‡qi|Zviv GUv ai‡Z †Póv Kij|cjvk Kvgvj‡K ejj, ÒAvwg GLb Mv‡Q DVe Ges gvQivOvwU‡K ai‡Z †Póv Kie|Ó G gyn~‡©Z Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Kvgvj Zvi Ab¨vb¨ eÜz‡`i‡K †`Š‡o WvK‡Z †Mj|)
Answer: (a) coming (b) walking (c) tried (d)climb (e)ran
4.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses: 
MVb Kiv
m‡ZR Kiv
DbœwZ Kiv
Walking is a good exercise. It (b)------our body and (b)------our mind. It (c)----beneficial for health. One can take fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature if one (d)-----in the early morning. So walking should be (e)-------as a habit by people of  all ages. (nvUuv GKwU fvj kvixwiK PP©v| GUv Avgv‡`i kixi‡K DbœZ Ges gb‡K m‡ZR K‡i|GUv Avgv‡`i ¯^v‡¯’i Rb¨ fvj|GKRb m‡ZR evZvm MÖnYGes cÖK…wZi †mŠ›`h© Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i hw` GKRb Lye mKv‡j nv‡Uu|ZvB me©¯Í‡ii gvbyl KZ…©K nvUuv‡K Af¨v‡m cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) develops (b) refreshes (c) is (d) walks (e) formed
5.     Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
‰Zwi Kiv
cwiPvjbv Kiv
wbf©I Kiv
KvR Kiv
¯§iY Kiv
Bangladesh is a full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country does not  (a)---on the proper utilization of the resources.We should not (b)---a lazy life.We should all (c)----up our country.For this reason we have to (d)---hard.No nation can prosper without industry. It should be (e)-----that “Industry is the key to success.”(evsjv‡`k cÖvKzwZK m¤ú‡` ficyi|GB m¤ú‡`i mwVK e¨env‡ii Dci GB †`‡ki DbœwZ wbf©i K‡i|Avgv‡`i Ajmc~Y© Rxeb cwiPvwjZ Kiv DwPZ bq| GB Kvi‡b,Avgv‡`i K‡Vvi cwikªg Kiv DwPZ|cwikªgwenxb †Kvb RvwZ DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|GUv ¯^iY ivLv DwPZ †h, ÓcwikªgB mvd‡j¨i PvweKvVx|Ó
(a) depend (b) be (c) build  (d) work (e) remembered

6.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
wPš—v Kiv
‰Zwi Kiv
wek¦vm Kiv
mgvwa¯’ Kiv
The Egypitains believed that after people died they (a)----to another world.They (b)------that people would still need many of the things they had on earth.Their king had many wonderful treasures.They buried those treasures with them.The kings (c)-----in the open ground or in graveyards.They buried them in great buildings or tombs (d)----pyramids.These pyramids (e)----out in the deserts.(wgkixqiv wek¦vm KiZ †h gvbyl gviv †M‡j Ab¨ GK RM‡Z P‡j hvq |Zviv wek¦vm KiZ †h †jv‡K c„w_ex‡Z †e‡Pu _vK‡Z †hme wRwb‡mi cª‡qvRb coZ †m me ZLb I Zv‡`I cÖ‡qvRb c‡i Zv‡`I ivRvi A‡bK A™¢yZ m¤úK© wQj|Zviv Zv‡`i mv‡_ †m¸‡jv I wcovwgW bv‡g eo eo AÆvwjKvq A_ev Ke‡i †i‡L Kei w`Z|GB wcivwgW ¸‡jv giƒf~wg‡Z ˆZix Kiv nZ |
       Answer: (a) went (b) believed (c) were not buried (d) called (e) were built
7.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
a‡i ivLv
Avbqb Kiv
`~ixf~Z Kiv
wk¶v Kiv
‰Zwi Kiv
A teacher is an architect of a nation, He plays an important role in(a)---up an educated nation. He(b)--- the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor while speaking. He has to(c)--- his act according to the need of his listeners. He is able to(d)--- the attention of his students. He(e)--- motionless before his class.He also makes his lessons interesting.(wk¶K RvwZi ¯’cwZ |GKUv wkw¶Z RvwZ ‰Zwi Ki‡Z wZwb GK ¸iZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv iv‡Lb|wZwb RvwZi fvM¨ †_‡K AÁZvi AÜKvi `~i K‡ib|K_v ejvi mgq wZwb GKRb Awf‡bZv|wZwb Zvui ‡kªvZvi cÖ‡qvRb Abymv‡i Zvui Awfbq Dc‡hvMx K‡i †Zv‡jb|wZwb Zvui QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i g‡bv‡hvM a‡i iv‡Lb|wZwb Zuvi K¬v‡mi mvg‡b w¯’i n‡q e‡m _v‡Kb|)
Answer: (a) building (b) dispels (c) suit (d) hold (e) does not sit.

8.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
KvR Kiv
MÖnY Kiv
wk¶v †`Iqv
‡Ljv Kiv
Today women (a) --- an important role in all sphears of life. They(b)--- no longer confined within the four walls of their parents or husbands house. They have(c)---our of the kitchens and are(d)--- hand in hand with men in all the development programs of government. By(e)---higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators etc.(AvRKvj gwnjviv Rxe‡bi mKj †¶‡Î f~wgKv ivL‡Q|Zviv Zv‡`i wcZv-gvZv ev ¯^vgxi N‡ii Pvi †`qv‡ji gv‡S mxgve× †bB|miKvwi mKj Dbœqb Kg©Kv‡Û Zviv ivbœv Ni †_‡K †ei n‡q hvq Ges cyi“‡li cvkvcvwk KvR Ki‡Q|D”P wk¶v MÖnY K‡i Zviv wegvb PvjK,Wv³vi,cÖ‡KŠkjx,wk¶K,cÖkvmK BZ¨vw` n‡”Q|)
Answer: (a) play (b)are (c)come (d)working (e) receving.
9.     Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the cortenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
e¨envi Kiv
Avbqb Kiv
‡hvM Kiv
Science has created wonders in field of communcation. Mobile phone (a)--- one of the great wonders of modern science. It has (b)--- a new dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. Obviously, mobile telecommunication has (c)--- the world closer to us. Nowadays it has (d)--- a part and parcel of our life. Using mobile phone we are (e)--- in many ways. (‡hvMv‡Mi †¶‡Î weÁvb we¯§q m„wó K‡i‡Q| AvaywbK weÁv‡bi we¯§q wn‡m‡e gy‡Vv †dvb n‡”Q Ab¨Zg|GUv Avgv‡`i Rxeb avivq Ges †hvMv‡hv‡Mi †¶‡Î GK bZzb gvÎv †hvM K‡i‡Q|Avm‡jB gy‡Vv †dvb c„w_ex‡K Avgv‡`i Lye Kv‡Q G‡b‡Q|AvRKvj GUv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask n‡q‡Q|gy‡Vv‡dvb e¨env‡i Avgiv wewfbœfv‡e jvfevb nw”Q|
Answer: (a) is (b) added (c) brought (d) become (e) being benefited.

10.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the cortanses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                
MÖnY Kiv
cwi‡kva Kiv
AR©b Kiv
‡Póv Kiv
Honesty is a great virtue. An honest man is liked and trusted by all. The ignorant men adopt unfair means with a view to(a)--- their objectives. In every walk of life, honesty(b)--- most. An honest man may be poor, but he(c)--- to become rich by(d)--- dishonest means. His rise in life may be slow, but he(e)--- very high in the long run.(mvayZv GK DËg ¸Y|GKRb mvay †jvK‡K mevB cQ›` Ges wek¦vm K‡i|AÁ †jv‡Kiv AmvayZv MÖnb K‡i Zv‡`i D‡Ïk¨ AR©b Kivi R‡b¨|Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU c`‡¶‡c mvayZv Aek¨B _vK‡Z n‡e|GKRb mvay e¨w³ Mixe n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ †m Amvay c_ MÖnY K‡i abx nevi †Póv K‡i bv|Rxe‡b Zvi DbœwZ ax‡i ax‡i n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ Ae‡k‡l †m A‡bK DuPz‡Z I‡V|)
Answer:(a) achieving (b) is paid (c) does not try (d) adopting (e) rises

11.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
‰Zwi Kiv
KvR Kiv
Dw`Z nIqv
Drcv`b Kiv
aeŸsm Kiv
‡kl Kiv
Self-control(a)--- all other virtues. Man generly(b)--- on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desire(c)--- the purity of heart and mined resulting in the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man(d)---up a pure character which is very essential to(e)--- above the level of humanity.(AvZ¥mshg Ab¨ mKj ¸bvewji Rb¥ †`q|gvbyl mvaviYZ Db¥v`bv Ges KwVb AvKv•Lvi ekeZ©x n‡q KvR K‡i|gvivZ¡K AvKv•Lv¸‡jv ü`q I g‡bi cweÎZv c`åóZv nq|‡KejgvÎ AvZ¥ mshgB gvby‡li LvuwU PwiÎ ˆZwi Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i hv gvbeZvi ¯Íi †_‡K Dc‡i IVvi Rb¨ LyeB cÖ‡qvRbxq|)
Answer: (a) breeds (d) acts (c) damages (d) build (e) rise.

12.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
‡fvM Kiv
c­vweZ Kiv
cÖKvk Kiv
mvnvh¨ Kiv
As per the news (a)--- in the daily newspaper thirty six districts out of sixty four of Bangladesh have been(b)--- by flood this year. If the people out of the flood affected areas do not(c)--- forward with a view to(d)--- the flood affected people they will have to suffer a lot of not(e)--- the necessary commodities in time.(msev`c‡Î Qvcv‡bv Abymv‡i evsjv‡`‡ki †PŠlwÆ †Rjvi g‡a¨ QwÎk †RjvB eb¨vi cvwb‡Z G eQi Wy‡e †M‡Q|hw` eb¨v KewjZ ¯’vb¸‡jvi evB‡ii †jv‡K eb¨v KewjZ †jvK‡`i mvnvh¨ Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ GwM‡q bv Av‡m,Zvn‡j cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm mgqgZ bv cvIqvi R‡b¨ A‡bK Kó cv‡e|)
Answer: (a) published (b) affected (c) come (d) helping (e) getting

13.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
Aby‡kvPbv Kiv
cÖ¯‘Z Kiv
A‡c¶v Kiv
bó Kiv
Students life is the best time for (a)--- is the best  time for(a)--- oneself for further. It (b)--- the seed time of life. So during this period of life students must not (c)--- time. They should bear in mind that time (d)--- for none. If a student wastes his time, he will have to (e)--- in future.(QvÎ-Rxeb wb‡R‡K fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ ˆZwi Kivi m‡ev©Ëg mgq|GUv Rxe‡bi exR ec‡bi mgq|ZvB Rxe‡bi GB mgqUv‡Z QvÎ-QvÎxiv Aek¨B mgq AcPq Ki‡e bv|Zv‡`i g‡b ivLv DwPZ †h mgq Kv‡iv R‡b¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv|hw` QvÎ-QvÎxiv mgq bó K‡i,Zv‡K Aek¨B fwel¨‡Zi R‡b¨ AbyZß n‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) preparing (b) is (c) waste (d) doesnot wait (e) repent.

14.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses: 
AbymiY Kiv
‰Zwi Kiv
Ae‡njv Kiv
A‡c¶v Kiv
K…ZKvh© nIqv
Time is very valuable. This valuable time does not (a)…. .for anybody. No power can stop it. It knows no pause in its course. It is not wise to (b)…..time. The man who makes the best use of time is sure to (e)------.All the famous persons of the world have (d)-------the best use of time. We should (e)----them. (mgq Lye g~j¨evb, mgq Kv‡iv Rb¨ A‡c¶v K‡i bv |‡Kvb kw³B G‡K _vgv‡Z cv‡i bv|GUv mvg‡bi w`‡K Pj‡Z mvnvq¨ K‡i|mg‡qi AcPq Kiv eyw×gv‡bi KvR bq|hviv mg‡qi m`¨e¨envi K‡i,Zviv wbwðZfv‡e mdjZv jvf K‡i|c„w_exi mKj weL¨vZ †jvK  mg‡qi m`¨e¨envi K‡i‡Q|Avgv‡`I Zv‡`i AbymiY Kiv DwPZ|)
Answer (a) wait (b) neglect (c) succeed (d) made (e) follow

15.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
KvR Kiv
DrmM© Kiv
AbymiY Kiv
cQ›` Kiv
Love’s for one country is (a)-----as patriotism. Everyman (b)-----great love for his country. Many of our freedom fighters (c)-----their lives in 1971 for the sake of our country due to this noble virtue. At present still there are some people who (d)-----relentlessly for the sake of our country because they love our country We should (e)-----their footprint.(wb‡Ri †`k‡K fvjevmvB n‡jv †`k‡cÖg|cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki DwPr Zvi wb‡Ri †`k‡K fvjevmv|1971 mv‡j G‡`‡ki Rb¨ Avgv‡`i A‡bK gyw³‡hv×viv Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K DrmM© K‡iwQj| wKQy ‡jvK G‡`‡ki DbœwZi Rb¨ Aweivgfv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K bvMwi‡Ki DwPr Zv‡`i c_ AbymiY Kiv|) 
Answer (a) known (b) has (c) sacrificed (d) work (e) follow 

16.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
‰Zwi Kiv
eÜ Kiv
cÖ`©kb Kiv
a‡i ivLv
D‡Øvab Kiv
A book fair (a)----- in Sylhet some months ago (b)------ much enthusiasm among the book lovers. It (c)------ by the D.C. of Sylhet. A lot of books (d)----- in the fair . The  arrangement of the fair was so nice that the visitors while visiting it (e)------ feel bored at all.(eB †cÖgx‡`i g‡b A‡bK Drmvn RvwM‡q K‡qK gvm Av‡M wm‡j‡U GK eB †gjv n‡qwQj|wm‡j‡Ui wW.wm.mv‡ne Gi D‡Øvab K‡iwQ‡jb|‡gjvq A‡bK eB cÖ`©wkZ n‡qwQj|‡gjvi Av‡qvRb GZ my›`i n‡qwQj †h,hvuiv GUv †`L‡Z G‡mwQ‡jb Zvuiv GK`g wei³ †eva K‡ibwb|) 
      Answer: (a) held (b) created (c) was inaugurated (d) were displayed (e) did not
17.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
cÖ¯‘Z Kiv
AR©b Kiv
mš‘wó Kiv
cÖ‡qvRb nIqv
Drmvn cÖ`vb Kiv
Man has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He is not (a)----with what he has known and seen. He wants to know and see more and more. The curiosity to know more (b)---him to undertake and carry out hand and dangerous tasks which eventually (c)---in epoch making discoveries and inventions. In the fields of science and technology, man in the meantime  has (d)----what was once inconceivable. Man has already landed on the moon and (e)---for a journeys to the Mars.(Áv‡bi cÖwZ gvby‡li `y`©gbxq Z…òv i‡q‡Q|hv †R‡b‡Q Ges hv †`‡L‡Q Zv‡Z gvbyl mš‘ó bq|‡m Av‡iv AwaK Rvb‡Z Ges †`L‡Z Pvq|AwaK Rvbvi AvMªn Zv‡K KwVb Ges wec`RbK Kv‡R Rov‡bv Ges m¤úv`b Ki‡Z AbycÖvwYZ K‡i Ges Gi d‡j wewfbœ Avwe®‹vi Ges AbymÜvb cwiPvjbv K‡i|weÁvb Ges cÖhyw³i †¶‡Î gvbyl B‡Zvg‡a¨ Ggb wKQy A©Rb K‡i‡Q hv GKmgq AKíbxq wQj|gvbyl BwZg‡a¨B Pvu‡` c`vc©Y K‡i‡Q Ges g½jMÖ‡n hvIqvi cÖ¯‘wZ wb‡”Q|)
Answer (a) Satisfied (b) inspires (c) results (d) achieved (e) preapared

18.  Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
Pvwj‡q hvIqv
cÖPvi Kiv
kvmb Kiv
mvnvh¨ Kiv
m¤§vb Kiv
Truth always (a)----- in the world. Falsehood may be triumph for the time being. Those who are engaged in (b)---- the truth are respected by the people. Those who feel interested in telling lies cannot prosper in life. They may prosper seemingly. But they cannot (c)…..all the time. Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth. He tried to make people (d)--- what was good for them. He was (e)…..by the powerful people. In spite of it, he never stopped teaching good things. (mZ¨ memgq GB `ywbqvq ivRZ¡ K‡i| wg_¨v nq‡Zv ¶Y¯’vqxi Rb¨ weRqx nq|hviv mZ¨ cÖPv‡i me`©v wb‡qvwRZ _v‡K,Zviv Rbmvavi‡Yi Kv‡Q m¤§vb/kª×v cvq|hviv wg_¨v ej‡Z AvMÖnx Zviv Rxe‡b DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|AvcvZ`„wó‡Z g‡b nq †h Zviv DbœwZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e|wKš‘ Zviv Zv me©`v a‡i ivL‡Z cv‡i bv|m‡µwUm mviv Rxeb a‡i mZ¨ cÖPvi Ki‡Zb|gvby‡li Rb¨ †KvbwU g½jRbK Zv wZwb eyS‡Zb| wZwb A‡bK ¶gZvkvjx e¨w³ Øviv mgm¨vq co‡Zb| Zvic‡i wZwb fvj wKQy cÖPvi KivUv eÜ K‡ibwb|) 
Answer: (a) reigns (b) preaching (c) continue (d) understand (e) troubled
19.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
¶wZ Kiv
AvNvZ Kiv
Wy‡e hvIqv
mg~‡j DrcvUb Kiv
¶wZmvab Kiv
m‡½ _vKv
A severe cyclone (a)------- the coastal area of Bangladesh a few  days ago . It (b)------ with tidal surge ise lands (c)------ by the tidal  surge . Trees were (d)------ and crops (e)-------- . (K‡qKw`b Av‡M GK cÖej N~wYevZ©v evsjv‡`‡ki DcK~‡j AvNvZ †n‡bwQj|Gi m‡½ mshy³ n‡qwQj mgy‡`ªi Zi‡½v”Q¡vm|`~ieZ©x Øxc¸‡jv mgy`ª-K‡j­v‡j Wy‡e wM‡qwQj|MvQcvjvi g~‡jvrcvUb Ges dm‡ji ¶wZ nq|)
      Answer:(a) hit (b) was (c) submerged (d) uprooted (e)were damaged
20.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                            
MÖnY Kiv
mgvavb Kiv
K…ZKvh© nIqv
cwinvi Kiv
wk¶v`vb Kiv
wedj Kiv
wb©g~j Kiv
Illiteracy is a curse. It is the root cause of ignorance which (a)----all development efforts of the government and the community. No development effort can be (b)---unless illiteracy is removed. No Individual community or organization not even the government is capable of (c)----this huge problem is single handed. It is the social responsibility of all the literate people to (d)----illiteracy from society. We can not (e)---this responsibility.(wbi¶iZv GKwU Awfkvc|GUv AÁZvi Drmg~j hv miKvi Ges RvwZi Dbœqb cÖ‡Póv‡K nZvkvi g‡a¨ †V‡j †`q|‡Kvb Dbœqbg~jK cÖ‡Póv mdj Kiv hvq hw` wbi¶iZv `~i Kiv nq bv|‡Kvb e¨w³,m¤cÖ`vq ev msMVb GgbwK miKvi GKv G eo mgm¨vi mgvavb Ki‡Z m¶g bq|GUv me wkw¶Z †jv‡Ki `vwqZ¡ †h mgvR †_‡K wbi¶iZv `~I Kiv| Avgiv G `vwqZ¡ Gwo‡q †h‡Z cvwi bv|)
      Answer: (a) frustrates (b) succeeded (c) solving (d) eradicate (e) avoid
21.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:  
evievi AvNvZ Kiv
ZvovZvwo Kiv
Dchy³ nIqv
Pzwi Kiv
There was a dishonest man in a village who did all sorts of mischief to the villagers. But when he did any evil work he (a)….that God had it done by him. One night the man (b)….some mangoes from the gardener of his neighbour. The owner of the garden saw him stealing mangoes and (c)---to the garden. Having reached the garden the took a stick and continued (d)….the dishonest man. Then the man said to him. “What have I done to (e)…..it,” (GKMÖv‡g GKRb Amr †jvK wQ‡jb †h MÖvgevmx‡`i meai‡bi Awbó KiZ|wKš‘ hLb †m †Kvb Lvivc KvR KiZ , †m ejZ †h Avj­vn Zv‡K w`‡q GUv Kiv‡”Qb| GK iv‡Z †jvKwU Zvi cÖwZ‡ekxi evMvb †_‡K wKQy Avg Pzwi KiwQj|evMv‡bi gvwjK Zv‡K Avg¸‡jv Pzwi Ki‡Z †`Lj Ges ZwoNwo K‡i evMv‡bi w`‡K †Mj|evMv‡b †cŠ‡Q †m GKwU jvwV wbj Ges Amr e¨w³‡K †cUv‡Z _vKj|Gici †jvKwU Zv‡K ejj, ÓGUv †`wL‡Z Avwg wK KwiqvwQ?Ó)
     Answer: (a) said (b) stole (c) hurried (d) beating (e) see

22.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:  
to be
to have
AbygwZ †`Iqv
cwiPvjbv Kiv
We (a)….now the citizens of independent country. The development of the country(b)……now be the motto of our rural life. Bangladesh (c)…..an agricultural country. We do not (d)….sufficient land for cultivation. We should(e)….great emphasis on using the most modern method of cultivation to utilize our land as well as human resources.(Avgiv GLb GKwU ¯^vaxb †`‡ki bvMwiK|‡`‡ki Dbœqb GLb Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Av`©k n‡e|evsjv‡`k GKwU K…wl cÖavb †`k|Pvlvev‡`i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i h‡_ó Rwg Av‡Q|Avgv‡`i f~wg Ges gvbe m¤ú`mg~n‡K e¨envi Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i‡K AwaKZi AvaywbK Pvlvev‡`i Dci eo ¸i“Z¡ w`‡Z n‡e|)
Answer:(a) are (b) should (c) is (d) have (e) put

23.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
ï‡l †bIqv
Avi¤¢ Kiv
Dcw¯’Z nIqv
One night Rabia’s master woke up from sleep and (a)------ a sweet sound of prayer. Being curious he (b)------ before the cottage of Rabia following the sound . To his great surprise he (c)------ that she was deeply (d)----- in prayer and there was a heavenly light around her.He (e)----- that she was not an ordinary woman but an angle.(GKiv‡Z ev‡eqvi gvwjK Nyg †_‡K †R‡M DV‡jb Ges cÖv_©bvi GK mywgó Kɯ^i ïb‡Z †c‡jb|DrmyK n‡q Kɯ^i‡K AbymiY K‡i wZwb iv‡eqvi KzwU‡ii mvg‡b Dcw¯’Z n‡jb|we¯§‡qi mv‡_ wZwb †`L‡Z †c‡jb †h,wZwb Mfxifv‡e cÖv_©bvq gMœ Ges Zviu Pvwiw`‡K GK ¯^Mx©q `y¨wZ wN‡i i‡q‡Q|wZwb eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h wZwb †Kvb mvaviY gwnjv bb,wZwb GKRb †d‡ikZv|)
      Answer: (a) heard (b) appeared (c) found (d) absorbed (e) understood
24.  Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
Aš—©fy³ nIqv
m¤§Z nIqv
wRÁvmv Kiv
cÖwZÁv Kiv
B”Qv Kiv
MÖnY Kiv
One day the great poet was  (a)------by Sultan Mahmood to write Shahanama in honour of the Sultan. The Sultan(b)—to pay Ferdousi  a piece of gold for each verse. Ferdousin finished his writing and it was found (c)---  sixty thousand verses and the Sultan now did not  (d)— to pay  sixty thousand gold coins.He wanted to to pay silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet did not  (e)---silver coins and returned to his village.(GKw`b gnvKwe †di‡`Šwm myjZvb gvngy` KZ…©K myjZvb‡K ¸YKxZ©bg~jK KweZv kvnbvgv †jLvi Rb¨ ejv nj|myjZvb†di‡`Šwm‡K cÖwZwU Pi‡bi Rb¨ GKwU ¯^Y©gy`ªv cwi‡kv‡ai cÖwZkÖ“wZ w`‡qwQj|†di‡`Šwm Zvi †jLv †kl Ki‡jb Ges †`Lv †Mj KweZvwU QqnvRvi PviYwewkó|GLb myjZvb QqnvRvi ¯^Y©gy`ª&v cwi‡kva Ki‡Z B”Qv †cvlY Ki‡jb bv|wZwb ¯^Y©gy`ªvi cwie‡Z© †iŠcgy`ªv  cwi‡kva Ki‡Z PvB‡jb|Kwe †iŠcgy`ªv  MÖnY Ki‡jb bv|)
Answer: (a) asked (b) promised (c) containing (d) agree (e) accept

25.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:  
‡Lvjv ivLv
‰Zwi Kiv
AR©b Kiv
wek¦vm Kiv
K_v ejv
Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues which (a)….a man healthy great. A man is not (b)….by others if he does not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth. A man who is not trusted by anybody can (c)….any position. A man can achieve his ends once or twice by (d)…lies, but no permanent gain comes out of success. It must come to light sooner or late. Then the real character of the liar gets (e)….and nobody trusts him any more.(mZ¨evw`Zv m‡ev©rK…ó ¸bvejxi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg hv gvbyl‡K mwZ¨Kvi gnr K‡i ‡Zv‡j|GKRb †jvK Ab¨vb¨ Øviv wek¦vmx nq bv hw` †m mZ¨ ejvi Af¨&vm m„wó bv K‡i|‡h †jvK †h Kv‡iv Øviv wek¦vmx nq bv †m †h †Kvb Ae¯nvb jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|wg_¨v K_v e‡j GKRb †jvK GKevi ev `yBevi Zvi myweavejx AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ Ggb mdjZvi g‡a¨ †Kvb ¯nvqx A©Rb Av‡m bv|GUv Aek¨B kxNB ev †`ix‡Z cÖKvwkZ n‡eB|Gici wg_¨vev`xi cÖK…Z PwiÎ D‡¤§vwPZ nq Ges †KnB Zv‡K wek¦vm K‡i bv|)
     Answer:(a) makes (b) trusted (c) gain (d) telling (e) exposed

26.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:  
wkD‡i IVv
Avi¤¢ Kiv
‡`L‡Z cvIqv
One day a scholar was crossing a river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b)   …to blow. The scholar was (b) …  .with fear. The boatman said to him. “Do you (c)…..how to swim?” The answer from the scholar was in the negative. Then the boatman said, “Very soon you are going to (d)……..You have a lot of knowledge but it does not (e)------to use at this moment.”(GK`v GK Ávbx ‡jvK †bŠKvh K‡i GKwU b`x cvi nw”P‡jb|nVvr S‡ov evZvm eB‡Z ïiy Kij| Ávbx ‡jvKwU f‡q KvcuwQ‡jb|gvwSwU Zv‡K wRÁvmv Kij,  ÓAvcwb wK muvZvi  KvU‡Z Rv‡bb?Ó Ávbx ‡jvKwU   wbKU †_‡K †bwUevPK DËi G‡jv |ZLb gvwSwU ejj, Ó kxNÖB Avcwb Wy‡e hv‡”&Qb| Avcbvi A‡bK Ávb Av‡Q wKš‘ GBg~û‡Z Zv †Kv‡bv Kv‡R Avm‡e bv|
    Answer: (a) began (b) trembling (c) know (d) drown (e) come

27.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give their correct tenses:       
cv_©K¨ nIqv
‡`L‡Z cvIqv
AR©b Kiv
evm Kiv
Happiness is relative term. A person with a crown living in a palace may not be happy whereas a day labourer may (b)------happiness living in a shabby hut. Again happiness (b)------from person to person. A beggar can be happy if he (c)-----a coin but a business man who can (d)-------a huge sum of money a day may not be happy. Happiness (e)----only the blessing of Allah. (myL GKwU Av‡cw¶K kã|gyKzU gv_vq GKRb gvbyl cÖvmv‡` evm K‡i myLx bvI n‡Z cv‡i A_P GKRb w`bgyR†ii gvjv †Kvb Kz‡uoN‡i evm K‡iI myL _vK‡Z cv‡i|Avevi myLx e¨w³ †_‡K e¨w³‡Z Avjv`v nq|GKRb wf¶yK hw` GKwU cqumv Ly‡Ru cvq Z‡e †m myLx nq wKš‘ GKRb e¨emvqx w`‡b cÖPzi UvKv Avq Ki‡Z cv‡ib wZwb myLx bvI n‡Z cv‡ib|myL †Kej Avj­vni Avkx©ev`|)
Answer: (a) have (b) varies (c) finds (d) earn (e) is

28.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
(wec` ms‡KZ)
(wd‡i Avmv)
(Pvwj‡q hvIqv)
(cvwj‡q hvIqv)
One night at around one, I was (a)----- home from Dhaka medical college hospital. I had (b)------ there to see an injured friend. As I did (c)------ any transport, I was walking towards my house which was not far away .there (d)------ even a single person on the street. Suddently I was (e)------ to hear sounds of someone’s footsteps.(GK iv‡Z cÖvq GKUvi w`‡K XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR †_‡K Avwg evwo wdiwQjvg|Avwg †mLv‡b Avgvi GK AvnZ eÜz‡K †`L‡Z wM‡qwQjvg|‡h‡nZz Avwg †Kvb hvbevnb †cjvg bv|‡m‡nZz Avwg c`eª‡RB Avgvi evmvi w`‡K hvw”Qjvg hv †ewk `~‡i wQj bv|iv¯Ívq GKRb †jvKI wQj bv|nVvr Avwg KviI c` kã/aeŸwb ï‡b fq †c‡q †Mjvg|)   
Answer:(a) returning (b) gone (c) not get (d) was not (e) alarmed

29.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                            
cwieZ©b Kiv
Avwe¯‹vi Kiv
cÖKvwkZ nIqv
D™¢veb Kiv
‡f‡½ hvIqv
hy× Kiv
Dr. Muhammed Yunus and the grameen Bank have  (a)—as the winners of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize for their pioneering work in lending to the poor. The Grameen Bank project has (b)—a model for so many developed and developing countries of the world. Dr. Yunus has (c)—that only a very small amount of interest free loan can be offered to the poorest women folk(d)—vicious cycle of poverty. Money will not change them. The loan amount will only be a weapon to (e)—against poverty.(`vwi‡`ªi FY cÖ`v‡bi cÖ_g KvRwU Kivi KvRwU Rb¨ Wt gynv¤§` BDb~m Ges MÖvgxY e¨vsK †bv‡fj cÖvB‡Ri g‡Zv m¤§vbxq cyi¯Kv‡I f~wlZ n‡q AvZ¡cÖKvk K‡i‡Q|we‡k¦i A‡bK DbœZ Ges Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki g‡Wj wn‡m‡e MÖvgxY e¨vsK Kg©m~Px M„wnZ n‡q‡Q|Wt BDb~m Avwe¯‹vi K‡i‡Qb †h,`vwi`ªZvi `yóPµ‡K †f‡½ †djvi Rb¨ me‡P‡q `wi`ªZg bvix‡`i my`gy³ FY †`Iqv †h‡Z cv‡i|A_© Zv‡`i †Kvb cwieZ©b Ki‡e bv|`wi`ªZvi weiƒ‡× jovB Kivi Rb¨ A¯¿ wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|)
      Answer: (a) emerged (b) become (c) discovered (d) break (e) fight

30.  Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the right from of verbs.
e¨envi Kiv
‡hvM Kiv
KvR Kiv
cwieZ©b Kiv
KvR Kiv/e¨envi Kiv
Mobile phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It has (a)……a new dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. It is a telephone system that (b)…..without any wire. Mobile telecommunication (c)…. became a part of modern life. Now a days(d)….a mobile phone is not a luxury in this country like Bangladesh. People (e)…..mobile phone to do rapid communication. (‡gvevBj †dvb AvaywbK weÁv‡bi GKwU we¤§q|GUv Avgv‡`i Rxeb hvÎvq Ges †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯_vq GKwU bZzb gvÎv hy³ K‡i‡Q|GwU GKwU bZzb gvÎv hy³ K‡i‡Q| GwU GKwU `~ivjvcbx e¨e¯’v hvnv †Kv‡bv Zvi QvovB KvR K‡i|wbtm‡›`‡n †gvevBj-`~ivjvcbx e¨e¯’v AvaywbK Rxe‡bi GKwU Ask n‡q‡Q|‡jv‡Ki `ªyZ †hvMv‡hvM Kivi Rb¨ †gvevBj †dvb e¨envi Kiv nq|)
Answer: (a) added (b) works (c) has (d) keeping (e) use     

31.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
jvd †`Iqv
AwZµg Kiv
‡Ljv Kiv
I (a)---the grimmest shock of my life the other day.A few boys of about 10 to 12 were playing with a tennis ball in a corner of the park opposite to our house.Suddenly,one of them jumped over the ralling and (b)----into the middle of the street after the ball that (c)---come out there.Just at that time, a truck (d)---along the place.The boy came right infront of it so suddenly and so unexpectedly that the driver had no time to stop his vehicle became it (e)---too late.A loud cry of alarm went forth from the people around. (K‡qKw`b Av‡M Avwg Avgvi Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q K‡Vvi AvNvZ †c‡qwQjvg|`kevi R‡bi gZ wKQy evjK Avgv‡`i evoxi gy‡LvgywL cvK©wUi ‡KvYvq GKwU †Uwbm ej †Ljv K‡iwQj|Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb nVvr †iwjs(†eov) Gi Dci w`‡q jvd w`j Ges e‡ji wcQ‡b †`Š‡o iv¯Ívi gvSLv‡b †Mj ‡h‡nZz ejwU †mLv‡b wM‡qwQj|wVK †mB gyn~©‡Z GKwU UªvK RvqMvwU AwZµg KiwQj|evjKwU GZB `ª“Z I AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e wVK Gi mvg‡b Avmj †h Mvox PvjK Mvwo _vgv‡bvi †Kvb mgq cvqwb KviY ZLb A‡bK †`wi n‡q †M‡Q| Pvicv‡ki †jv‡Ki KvQ †_‡K ksKvi GKwU Zxeª wPrKvi †kvbv †Mj|)
    Answer :(a) had (b) ran (c) had (d) was passing (e) was  
32.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
AwZµg Kiv
kqb Kiv
Av‡ivnb Kiv
‡Ljv Kiv
Robin and Rafiq are intimate friends.Ond day they (a)------ through a forest.Suddenly they (b)---a bear coming towards them. “Do you (c)----how to climb a tree?Rafiq said to Rabin. “No”, Robin answered. “I(d)-----up a tree.You better ran away,” saying this,Rafiq climbed up the nearby tree. “I (e)----down on the ground because a hear does not touch deadbody.” Robin thought to himself. (iwdK Avi iweb AšÍi½/Nwbô eÜz |GKw`b Zviv R½‡ji wfZi w`‡q hvw”Qj|nVvr Zviv GKwU fvj­yK‡K Zv‡`i w`‡K Avm‡Z †`Lj|iwdK iweb‡K ejj, ÒZzwg wK Rvb wK K‡i Mv‡Q DV‡Z nq?Ó Òbv,Ó iweb DËi w`j|ÒAvwg GKwU Mv‡Q DVe|Zzwg eis †`Šwo‡q cvjvI|Ó G K_v e‡j iwdK Kv‡Qi MvQwU‡Z D‡V coj| ÒAvwg gvwU‡Z ï‡q coe KviY fvj­yK †Kvb g„Z‡`n‡K ¯úk© K‡i bv|,Ó iweb wb‡Ri g‡b wPšÍv Kij|)
Answer:(a) were passing (b) saw (c) know (d) shall climb (e) shall lie
33.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
‰Zwi Kiv
aeŸsm Kiv
wRÁvmv Kiv
What is the first and foremost need for our prosperity,education,money or wealth? Some people say that money is the means whereby everything can be (c)----.But I shall(c)---you that education is the best of all.Proper education (d)---the way to earn money and wealth .(e)---a good student to have all the three.(Avgv‡`i mg„w× ,wk¶v,UvKv A_ev m¤ú` Gi Rb¨ Kx cÖ_g Ges cÖavb cÖ‡qvRb? wKQy †jvK e‡j †h UvKvB n‡”Q Dcvq hvi Øviv me wKQy AR©b Kiv hvq|wKš‘, Avwg †Zvgv‡K eje †h wk¶v me‡P‡q DËg|h_vh_ wk¶v UvKv I m¤ú` DfqwU Dcv©R‡bi c_ ˆZix K‡i †`q|G wZbwUi me¸‡jv †c‡Z fvj QvÎ nI|)
Answer (a) is (b) gained (c) tell (d) makes (e) be
34.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
cwiZ¨vM Kiv
(‡`Šov‡bv/cwiPvjbv Kiv)
(Avi¤¢ Kiv)
Last evening,  I was walking along the Sadar Road.My little sister (b)---with me.Suddenly,a young man came(b)----and snatched her gold chain out from her neck. I (c)----to run after the snatcher.But after a while, I thought,it was not wise to (d)----my sister alone as it was (e)-----dark.(MZ mܨvq Avwg m`i iv¯Ív a‡i nvUu‡ZwQjvg|Avgvi †QvU‡evb Avgvi mv‡_ wQj|nVvr GK hyeK †`Š‡o G‡m Zvi Mjv †_‡K Zvi †mvbvi †PBbwU wQwb‡q wbj|Avwg wQbZvBKvixi wcQ‡b †`Šov‡Z jvMjvg|wKšÍ wKQy¶Y ci Avwg fvejvg Avgvi †evb‡K GKv ivLv weÁZv bq KviY ZLb AÜKvi n‡Z PjwQj|)
Answer:(a) is (b) behind (c) tell (d) makes (e) be
35.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
Education is (a)-----as the yardstick of development.Devolopment and education (b)----hand in hand.(c)-----degrees is not prime objective of education. Education has to be (d)----.It is high time we(e)-----measures to spread education.(wk¶v‡K Dbœq‡bi gvcKvwV wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| Dbœqb Ges wk¶v nv‡Z nvZ a‡i P‡j|wWMÖx AR©b Kiv wk¶vi g~j D‡Ïk¨ bq|wk¶v‡K cybtmsÁvqb Ki‡Z n‡e|GLbB Dchy³ mgq Avgiv wk¶v m¤cÖmvi‡Y e¨e¯’vw` MÖnY Kwi|)
Answer(a)regarded (b) go (c) obtaining (d) redefined (e) took
36.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
Punctuality is to be (a)----- and formed into a habit.This quality is to be (b)--- through all our work from our boyhood.Boyhood is the seed time.The habit (c)--- at this time will (d)----- all through our life. “Everything at the right time”(e)---- be our motto.(mgqvbyewZ©Zvi PP©v K‡i Zv Af¨v‡m cwibZ Ki‡Z n‡e|evj¨Kvj †_‡K Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g G¸bwU AS©b Kiv `iKvi|GB mg‡q MwVZ Af¨vm mviv Rxeb Pj‡Z _vK‡e|cÖwZwU KvR h_vmg‡q Kiv Avgv‡`i g~jgš¿ nIqv DwPZ|)
Answer: (a) cultivated (b) acquired (c) formed (d) continue (e) should
37.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
E-mail has (a)…..about a revolution in modern communication. Message can (b)……from one country to another within seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade and commerce has (c)….greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. It has however,not (d)…..everyone, especially in developing countries like ours ,as most people cannot (e)…..to have a personal computer.(AvaywbK †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vq B-†gBj GKwU wec­e NwU‡q‡Q|GK‡`k †_‡K Ab¨ ‡`‡k gyn~‡Z©i g‡a¨ Z_¨ Av`vb cÖ`vb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|‡Uwj‡dvb K‡ji †P‡q GwU A‡bK m¯Ív|e¨emv evwYR¨ GB `ª“Z MwZkxj gva¨‡gi Dci e¨vcK gvÎvq wbf©ikxj n‡q‡Q|GUv we‡kl K‡i Avgv‡`i  g‡Zv Dbœqbkxj †`‡k mK‡ji wbKU †cŠQvuqwb KviY AwaKvsk †jvK GKwU e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUvi ivLvi e¨qfvi enb Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)

Answer (a) brought (b)transmitted (c)become (d)reached (e) afford 
38.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
Education (a)------a man a clear conscious view of his own opinion and judgment, a truth in (b)----them. Therefore, it is often (c)-----to light which (d)------the darkness of ignorance and helps us distinguish between right and wrong. The primary purpose of education (e)-------the liberation of man from the restrictions and habits and attitudes which limit his humanity.(wk¶v GKRb gvbyl‡K Zvi wbR¯^ wePvi‡eva m¤ú©‡K ¯^”Q aviYv cÖ`vb K‡i,m‡Z¨i Av‡jv‡K †m¸wj‡K(wePvi‡eva) M‡o wb‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|Zv‡K G‡K Av‡jvi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv nq hv AÁZvi AÜKvi‡K `~i K‡i Ges mZ¨ I wg_¨vi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|wk¶vi cÖv_wgK D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv †mBme mxgve×Zv,Af¨vm I g‡bvfve †_‡K gvby‡li gyw³ NUv‡bv hv Zvi gvbiZv‡K mxwgZ K‡i †`q|)
 Answer:(a) gives (b) developing (c) compared (d) removes (e) is

39.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
Many wonders have been (a)-----with the help of science. Mobile phone is the most up-to date invention. At present it is (b)—more popular with the people. It (c)—communication easier. But it is a matter of sorrow that terrorists are(d)----it to spread out terrorism.So proper steps should  (e)—taken to stop it.(weÁv‡bi mvnv‡h¨ A‡bK we¯§q Avwe¯‹…Z n‡q‡Q| †gvevBj †dvb n‡”Q me© AvaywbK Avwe¯‹vi|eZ©gv‡b GUv †jvK‡`I Kv‡Q AwaKZi RbwcÖqZv cv‡”Q|GUv †hvMv‡hvM‡K mnRZi K‡i|wKš‘ GUv `yt‡Ki welq †h,mš¿vmxiv GUv‡K mš¿v‡mi Kv‡R e¨envi K‡i‡Q|ZvB GUv eÜ Kivi Rb¨ h_vh_ c`‡¶c †bqv DwPZ| )
     Answer:(a) invented (b) getting (c) makes (d) using (e) be
40.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                
Smoking (a)---a dangerous habit. More than eighty percent people of our country (b)---addicted to smoking. Smoking (c)---many fatal diseases. It (d)---the free circulation of blood through the veins. It (e)----our lungs. (a~gcvb n‡jv wec`RbK Af¨vm| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Avwk fv‡Mi I †ekx †jvK aygcv‡b Avm³|a~gcvb A‡bK AvZ¥MvZx †ivM m„wó nq|GUv i³bvjxi g‡a¨ w`‡q gy³ i³ PjvP‡j evav m„wó K‡i|GUv Avgv‡`i dzmdzm‡K ¶wZMÖ¯Í K‡i|)
    Answer:(a) is (b) are (c) causes (d) prevents (d) hampers
41.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.                                                                                                                                                                        
Everybody knows that food adulteration is a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and it (a)…..fatal diseases. People (b)….this kind of food fall victim to liver diseases cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen who are avaricious and (c)…after money only do this heinous work, they (d)….on the miseries of others. They deserve severe punishment. The present government (e)…certain steps against adulteration (cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Rv‡b †h Lv‡`¨ †fRvj GKwU Aciva|‡fRvjK…Z Lv`¨ welwgwkªZ Ges GUv wewfbœ fqven †iv‡Mi Kvib|RbMb GmKj †fRvj Lv`¨ †L‡q cvK¯njxi †ivM,K¨vÝvi,hK…Z weK…Z nIqv QvovI bvbv †ivM †fv‡M|wKQy e¨emvqx hviv †jv‡fi Kvi‡Y Ges ïay UvKv Av‡qi K_v wPšÍv K‡I GB me RNb¨Zg KvR K‡i|Zviv A‡b¨i m¤ú` Pzwi K‡I m¤ú`kxj nq|Zviv I kvw¯Í cÖvß nq|eZ©gvb miKvi‡K G mKj Lv‡`¨ †fRv‡ji weiy‡× c`‡¶c wb‡Z n‡e|)
Answer: (a) causes (b) eating/taking (c) run (d) thrive (e) has taken
42.  Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.   
Twenty February (a)----- a memorable day of our life.Every year, we (b)---- this day with respect.It is a government holiday.The national flag is (c)-- half mast this day.Various meetings and seminars are held.Every Shaid Minar (d)--- covered with flowers.Those who have (e)---- down their lives for language ,are immortal. (GKz‡k †deª“qvix Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b GKwU ¯^iYxq w`b|cÖwZ eQi GB w`bwU Avgiv kª×vi mv‡_ ¯^iY Kwi|w`bwU miKvix QywUi w`b|GB w`‡b RvZxq cZvKv Aa©bwgZ Kiv nq|bvbv mfv-mwgwZ AbywôZ nq|cÖwZwU knx` wgbvi dz‡j dz‡j XvKv _v‡K|hviv fvlvi Rb¨ Rxeb w`‡q‡Q,Zviv Agi|)
Answer:(a) is (b)remember (c)kept (d) is (e)sacrificed

৩টি মন্তব্য: