মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১৪


Rules of Transformation of sentences
Transformation of Sentence
ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশ থেকে ‘Transformation of Sentence’
Assertive sentence-
কে interrogative এবং exclamatory sentence- পরিণত করার জন্য আমি কতগুলো নিয়ম উপস্থাপন করেছি এবং প্রতিটি নিয়মের সাপেক্ষে example exercise দিয়েছি, যাতে তোমরা সহজে নিয়মগুলো আয়ত্ত করে সঠিকভাবে প্রয়োগ করতে পারো।
Assertive to Interrogative
Rule 1 :
অর্থের পরিবর্তন না ঘটিয়ে assertive sentence-কে interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম: (i) ‘হ্যাঁ’-বোধক assertive sentence-কেনা’-বোধক interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করে interrogative sentence গঠন করা যায়।
Example : As. : Smoking is a bad habit
Int. : Isn’t smoking a bad habit?
As. : He ia an honest man.
Int. : Isn’t he an honest man?
অনুরূপভাবেনা’-বোধক assertive sentence-কেহ্যাঁ’-বোধক interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তিত করে interrogative sentence গঠন করা হয়। ক্ষেত্রে negative word-গুলোকে affirmative word- পরিবর্তিত করা হয়।
Example : Assertive: He is not a great fool.
Interrogative : Is he a great fool?
Assertive: I was never late.
Interrogative : Was I ever late?
Rule 2 :
সাহায্যকারী verb-বিহীন assertive sentence-কে interrogative হলে don’t / doesn’t (present indefinite হলে), did (past indefinit হলে) + subject + base verb + বাকি অংশ + প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসবে।
Example : Assertive: They play football.
Interrogative : Don’t they play football?
Assertive: Jerry liked skates.
Interrogative : Did not jerry like skates?
Rule 3 : Never/nothing-
যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করতে হলে never-এর পরিবর্তে ever এবং nothing থাকলে anything বসবে।
Example. : Assertive: I never drink tea.
Interrogative : Do I ever drink tea?
Assertive: There was nothing to do.
Interrogative : was there anything to do?
Rule 4 : Everybody / everyone / all-
কে interrogative করার সময় এদের পরিবর্তে প্রথমে who বসে + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t বসে + মূল verb-এর present form বসে + মূল verb-এর পরের অংশ বসে + প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে। Example : Assertive: Everybody wishes to be happy.
Interrogative : Who doesn’t wish to be happy?
Assertive: All love flowers.
Interrogative : Who doesn’t love flowers?
Transformation of Sentence
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশ থেকে ‘Transformation of Sentence’ নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Rule 5 : Nobody / none / no one-
কে interrogative করতে হলে এদের পরিবর্তে who বসে + বাকি অংশ+প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে।
Assertive : Nobody trusts a liar.
Interrogative: Who trusts a liar?
Assertive : None can do this.
Interrogative : Who can do this?
Rule 6 : Assertive sentence-
(every, all + noun) subject হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হলে সে ক্ষেত্রে interrogative sentence- every-এর স্থলে is there any ব্যবহূত হয়।
Example : Assertive: All men hate a liar.
Interrogative : Is there any man who doesn’t hate a liar? Assertive : Every man must die.
Interrogative : Is there any who will not die?
Rule 7 : Interoductory ‘there’
দিয়ে সূচিত assertive sentence-কে interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করার ক্ষেত্রে there-এর পরিবর্তে sentence-এর প্রথমে who বা what ব্যবহূত হয়। অতঃপর sentence-টি negative হলে Affirmative Interrogative এবং Affirmative হলে Negative-interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করা হয়।
Example : Assertive : There is no use of it.
Interrogative: What is the use of it?
Assertive: There is no hope for me.
Interrogative: What is the hope for me?

Exercise for practice
1. Mitu writes a letter.
2. Their glory can never fade.
3. None can accept the proposal.
4. Every mother loves her child.
5. Friendship is nothing but a name.
6. Nobody can escape death.
7. The earth moves round the sun.
8. There is nobody happier than Kamal.
9. He has nothing to do.
10. I did not go home yesterday.
Assertive to Exclamatory
Rule 1 : Sentence-
এর প্রথমে what বা how বসে (what-এর সঙ্গে a+noun এবং how-এর সঙ্গে adjective / adverb বসে) + subject + verb + note of exclamation বসে।
Example : Assertive : You are a great fool.
Exclamatory: What a fool you are!
Assertive : The boy is very strong.
Exclamatory : How strong the boy is!
Rule 2 : Assertive sentence-
wish থাকলে exclamatory করার শুরুতে if / had বসে।
Example : Assertive : I wish I had the wings of a bird. Exclamatory : If I had the wings of a bird!
Assertive : I wish I could do it.
Exclamatory: If I could do it!
Rule 3 : Assertive sentence-
এর ক্ষেত্রে যদি rejoice / It is a matter of joy / delight / surprise ইত্যাদি word ব্যবহূত হয় সে ক্ষেত্রে exclamatory sentence- এদের পরিবর্তে hurrah বা brave ব্যবহূত হয়।
আবার Assertive sentence-এর প্রথমে It is a matter of sorrow / grief / sad / regret ইত্যাদি ব্যবহূত হয় সে ক্ষেত্রে এদের পরিবর্তে sentence-এর প্রথমে alas ব্যবহূত হয়। Conjunction হিসেবে ব্যবহূত that উঠে যায় এবং অবশিষ্ট বাক্যাংশ অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Assertive : We rejoice that we have won the match.
Exclamatory : Hurrah! we have won the match.
Assertive : I regret that the man is dead.
Exclamatory : Alas! the man is dead.
Exercise for practice
1. It was a very charming sight. 2. He leads a most unhappy life. 3. It is a good plan. 4. I wish I could meet the president once. 5. The news was very shocking to her.


Rules of Transformation of sentence
Transformation of Sentence
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশ থেকে ‘Transformation of Sentence’ নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Transformation of sentence

 Rule-4 : Affirmative sentence-
always থাকলে, এর পরিবর্তে never এবং key wordটির বিপরীতার্থক (antonym) ব্যবহার করে negative করতে হয়।
Example: Affirmative : We always remember the martyrs.
Negative: We never forget the martyrs.
Affirmative: We are always regular in our duties.
Negative: We are never irregular in our duties.
Rule 5: As soon as-
কে negative করতে হলে প্রথমে as soon as-এর পরিবর্তে no sooner had বসে। এরপর সে sentence-এর subject বসবে, verb-এর participle বসে এবং sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসবে। তারপর than এবং সবশেষে দ্বিতীয় sentenceটি বসবে।
Example: Affirmative : As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Negative: No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.
Rule 6: Affirmative sentence-
too...to থাকলে negative করার সময় too...to-এর পরিবর্তে so...that দিয়ে পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।
Example: Affirmative : He is too dishonest to speak the truth.
Negative: He is so dishonest that he cannot speak the truth.
Affirmative : They were too nice to use just at present.
Negative: They were so nice that they could not be used just at present.
Rule 7: As...as
যুক্ত affirmative sentence-কে negative করতে হলে প্রথমে as-এর জায়গায় not less এবং পরের as-এর জায়গায় than বসে।
Example: Affirmative : Rina’s knowledge in English is as sound as Shova.
Negative: Rina’s knowledge in English is not less sound than Shova.
Rule 8: ‘For ever’
কিংবা ‘For good’ যুক্ত বাক্যগুলোকে negative করতে হলে never এবং verb-কে বাক্যের প্রয়োজন অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।
Example: Affirmative : He has left the tuition for good.
Negative: He will never join the tuition again.
Affirmative: Rana has given up gambling for ever.
Negative: Rana will never play gambling again.
Rule 9 : Continuous tense
যুক্ত বাক্যগুলোকে negative করতে হলে it is not that বসবে এবং পরবর্তী অংশ negative করতে হবে।
Example: Affirmative : He is going to the function.
Negative: It is not that he is not going to the function.
Affirmative: I am digging the field.
Negative: It is not that I am not digging the field.
Rules 10 : ‘Be verb’
যুক্ত affirmative adjective থাকলে complement হিসেবে কাজ করে। ধরনের affirmative sentence-কে negative করতে হলে not বসিয়ে বিপরীত adjective বসাতে হবে।
Example : Affirmative : Man is mortal.
Negative : Man is not immortal.
Affirmative : It is an easy term.
Negative : It is not a complex term.
Assertive sentence-
কে interrogative এবং exclamatory sentence- পরিণত করার জন্য আমি কতগুলো নিয়ম উপস্থাপন করেছি এবং প্রতিটি নিয়মের সাপেক্ষে example exercise দিয়েছি, যাতে তোমরা সহজে নিয়মগুলো আয়ত্ত করে সঠিকভাবে প্রয়োগ করতে পারো।
Assertive to Interrogative
Rule 1 :
অর্থের পরিবর্তন না ঘটিয়ে assertive sentence-কে interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম: (i) ‘হ্যাঁ’-বোধক assertive sentence-কেনা’-বোধক interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করে interrogative sentence গঠন করা যায়।
Example : As. : Smoking is a bad habit
Int. : Isn’t smoking a bad habit?
As. : He ia an honest man.
Int. : Isn’t he an honest man?
অনুরূপভাবেনা’-বোধক assertive sentence-কেহ্যাঁ’-বোধক interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তিত করে interrogative sentence গঠন করা হয়। ক্ষেত্রে negative word-গুলোকে affirmative word- পরিবর্তিত করা হয়।
Example : Assertive: He is not a great fool.
Interrogative : Is he a great fool?
Assertive: I was never late.
Interrogative : Was I ever late?
Rule 2 :
সাহায্যকারী verb-বিহীন assertive sentence-কে interrogative হলে don’t / doesn’t (present indefinite হলে), did (past indefinit হলে) + subject + base verb + বাকি অংশ + প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসবে।
Example : Assertive: They play football.
Interrogative : Don’t they play football?
Assertive: Jerry liked skates.
Interrogative : Did not jerry like skates?
Rule 3 : Never/nothing-
যুক্ত assertive sentence-কে interrogative করতে হলে never-এর পরিবর্তে ever এবং nothing থাকলে anything বসবে।
Example. : Assertive: I never drink tea.
Interrogative : Do I ever drink tea?
Assertive: There was nothing to do.
Interrogative : was there anything to do?
Rule 4 : Everybody / everyone / all-
কে interrogative করার সময় এদের পরিবর্তে প্রথমে who বসে + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t বসে + মূল verb-এর present form বসে + মূল verb-এর পরের অংশ বসে + প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে। Example : Assertive: Everybody wishes to be happy.
Interrogative : Who doesn’t wish to be happy?
Assertive: All love flowers.
Interrogative : Who doesn’t love flowers?
Rule 5 : Nobody / none / no one-
কে interrogative করতে হলে এদের পরিবর্তে who বসে + বাকি অংশ+প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে।
Assertive : Nobody trusts a liar.
Interrogative: Who trusts a liar?
Assertive : None can do this.
Interrogative : Who can do this?
Rule 6 : Assertive sentence-
(every, all + noun) subject হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হলে সে ক্ষেত্রে interrogative sentence- every-এর স্থলে is there any ব্যবহূত হয়।
Example : Assertive: All men hate a liar.
Interrogative : Is there any man who doesn’t hate a liar? Assertive : Every man must die.
Interrogative : Is there any who will not die?
Rule 7 : Interoductory ‘there’
দিয়ে সূচিত assertive sentence-কে interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করার ক্ষেত্রে there-এর পরিবর্তে sentence-এর প্রথমে who বা what ব্যবহূত হয়। অতঃপর sentence-টি negative হলে Affirmative Interrogative এবং Affirmative হলে Negative-interrogative sentence- পরিবর্তন করা হয়।
Example : Assertive : There is no use of it.
Interrogative: What is the use of it?
Assertive: There is no hope for me.
Interrogative: What is the hope for me?

Exercise for practice
1. Mitu writes a letter.
2. Their glory can never fade.
3. None can accept the proposal.
4. Every mother loves her child.
5. Friendship is nothing but a name.
6. Nobody can escape death.
7. The earth moves round the sun.
8. There is nobody happier than Kamal.
9. He has nothing to do.
10. I did not go home yesterday.
Transformation of Sentence
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশ থেকে ‘Transformation of Sentence’ নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Assertive to Exclamatory
Rule 1 : Sentence-
এর প্রথমে what বা how বসে (what-এর সঙ্গে a+noun এবং how-এর সঙ্গে adjective / adverb বসে) + subject + verb + note of exclamation বসে।
Example : Assertive : You are a great fool.
Exclamatory: What a fool you are!
Assertive : The boy is very strong.
Exclamatory : How strong the boy is!
Rule 2 : Assertive sentence-
wish থাকলে exclamatory করার শুরুতে if / had বসে।
Example : Assertive : I wish I had the wings of a bird. Exclamatory : If I had the wings of a bird!
Assertive : I wish I could do it.
Exclamatory: If I could do it!
Rule 3 : Assertive sentence-
এর ক্ষেত্রে যদি rejoice / It is a matter of joy / delight / surprise ইত্যাদি word ব্যবহূত হয় সে ক্ষেত্রে exclamatory sentence- এদের পরিবর্তে hurrah বা brave ব্যবহূত হয়।
আবার Assertive sentence-এর প্রথমে It is a matter of sorrow / grief / sad / regret ইত্যাদি ব্যবহূত হয় সে ক্ষেত্রে এদের পরিবর্তে sentence-এর প্রথমে alas ব্যবহূত হয়। Conjunction হিসেবে ব্যবহূত that উঠে যায় এবং অবশিষ্ট বাক্যাংশ অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Assertive : We rejoice that we have won the match.
Exclamatory : Hurrah! we have won the match.
Assertive : I regret that the man is dead.
Exclamatory : Alas! the man is dead.
Exercise for practice
1. It was a very charming sight. 2. He leads a most unhappy life. 3. It is a good plan. 4. I wish I could meet the president once. 5. The news was very shocking to her.
প্complex sentence থেকে simple sentence পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম
Complex to Simple
Rule 1: since/as/when-
যুক্ত complex sentence-কে Simple sentence- পরিবর্তন করতে হলে
(i) Complex sentence-
এর দুটি clause-এর subject এক হলে সে ক্ষেত্রে simple sentence- পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম:
উঠে যায় + subordinate clause-এর মূল verb-এর ing form, subordinate clause-এর প্রথমে বসে + main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example:
Complex : When the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Simple : Seeing the police, the thief ran away.
দুটি clause-এর subject ভিন্ন হলে এবং প্রথম clauseটিতে am/is/are/was/ were/has/have/had থাকলে প্রথম clause- am/is/are/was/were-এর পরিবর্তে being বসে বা has/have/had-এর পরিবর্তে having বসে + দ্বিতীয় clauseটি বসে। Example:
Complex : When the sun had set, we stopped our playing.
Simple : The Sun having set, we stopped our playing.
(iii) Complex sentence-
এর clause দুটির subject যদি এক হয় এবং to be verb থাকে, তবে since/as-এর পরিবর্তে প্রথমে because of + সেই clause-এর subject-এর possessive form বসে + am/is/are/was/ were-এর পরিবর্তে being বা has/have/had-এর পরিবর্তে having + sentence-এর বাকি অংশ + comma + বাকি sentenceটি বসে। Example:
Complex : Since he was weak, he couldn’t work hard.
Simple : Because of his being weak, he couldn’t work hard.
Rule 2 : Relative pronoun-
যুক্ত complex sentence-কে simple করার নিয়ম:
প্রদত্ত sentenceটির প্রথম থেকে relative pronoun (who/which/that)-এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসে + relative pronounটি উঠে যায় + relative pronoun-এর পরে auxiliary verb থাকলে উঠে যায় + মূল verb-এর present form-এর সঙ্গে ing + বাকি অংশ বসে। Example:
Complex : The man who works hard can shine in life
Simple : The man working hard can shine in life.
যুক্ত complex sentence- যদি কোনো মুহূর্ত, দিন, মাস, ঋতু, বছর ইত্যাদিকে নির্দেশ করা হয়, তাহলে simple senctnce করার নিয়ম:
উঠে যায় + when-এর পরিবর্তে অল্প সময় বোঝালে at, দীর্ঘ সময় বুঝালে in এবং বয়স উল্লেখ থাকলে at the age of বসে + when-এর পর যে subject verb থাকে তা উঠে যায় + main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example:
Complex : He woke up, when it was day light.
Simple : At daylight, he woke up.
Complex : When the was four, he left his house.
Simple : At the age of four, he left his house.
বি. দ্র.: যদি when দ্বারা কোনো সময় না বোঝায়, কোনো কাজ চলা বোঝায়, তখন at the time of + when-যুক্ত অংশের ing-যুক্ত verb + বাকি clause বসে। Example:
Complex : When it was raining, he woke up.
Simple : At the time of raining, he woke up.
omplex sentence
থেকে simple sentence পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
Complex to Simple
Rule 3: If clause
দ্বারা সূচিত complex sentenceটি যদি না-বোধক অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, সে ক্ষেত্রে complex sentence-কে simple করতে হলে:
প্রথমে without বসে + ‘if’ clause এর মূল verb-এর present form-এর সঙ্গে ing যোগ করতে হবে + verb-এর পরের অংশ + অপর clauseটি বসবে। Example:
Complex : If you do not work hard, you will not prosper in life.
Simple : Without working hard, you will not prosper in life.
যদি ‘if’ clauseটি affirmative হয়, simple করার সময় without শব্দটির জায়গায় by বসে।
Complex : If you work hard, you can succeed in life.
Simple : By working hard, you can succeed in life.
Rule 4. So that-
যুক্ত complex sentence-কে simple sentence- পরিণত করতে হলে main clause অপরিবর্তিত থাকে এবং sentence-এর প্রথমে বসবে + so that উঠে গিয়ে to/in order to main clause-এর পরে বসবে + may/might/can/could উঠে যাবে + sentence-এর বাকি অংশ বসবে। Example:
Complex: I read more so that I can make a good result.
Simple : I read more in order to make a good result.
Rule-5 : So + adjective + that clause-
যোগে গঠিত complex sentence-এর subordinate clauseটি যদি negative sentence হয়, সে ক্ষেত্রে simple sentence করতে হলে
So + adjective-
এর পরিবর্তে too + adjective বসে + subordinate clause-এর মূল verb-এর পূর্বে to বসে এবং that-এর বিলুপ্তি ঘটে।
Complex : He was so tired that he couldn’t move.
Simple : He was too tired to move.
Rule 6: Though/although/even though
দ্বারা সূচিত complex sentence-কে simple করতে হলে though/although-এর পরিবর্তে inspite of + সেই clause-এর subject-এর possessive form + সেই clause-এর am/is/are/was/were-এর পরিবর্তে being বা have/has/had-এর পরিবর্তে having এবং অন্যান্য verb-এর ক্ষেত্রে মূল verb-এর ing form + অপর clause বসে।
Complex : Although the man has vast riches, he wants more.
Simple : Inspite of his having vast riches, the man wants more.
Example for exercise
1. He is sorry to hear that you have failed.
2. I bought a pen which is costly.
3. The baby was so little that he could not walk.
4. We eat so that we may live well.
5. When it is spring, the cuckoo sings.
6. If you don’t have a visa, you can’t go to abroad.
7. If you practice regularly, you can play well.
8. As they are industrious, they will succeed in life.
9. When kamal went to market, he bought a book.
10. The box is so old that it cannot be used.
Complex to Compound
Rule 1: Since, as
বা when দ্বারা সূচিত Complex sentenceকে Compound sentence- রূপান্তরিত করতে হলে-
Since, as
বা when উঠে যায় + দুটি clause-এর মাঝে and, and so, so, hence বা therefore বসে + main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example:
Complex : Since the weather was bad, we did not go outside.
Compound : The weather was bad, so we did not go outside.
Rule 2: Though/Although
যুক্ত Complex sentenceকে Compound sentence- পরিণত করতে হলে Though/Although উঠে যায় + দুটি Clause-এর মাঝে but বা yet বসে + main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example:
Complex : Although the man has much riches, he wants more.
Compound : The man has much riches, but he wants more.
Rule 3: Relative pronoun
যুক্ত Complex sentenceকে Compound sentence- পরিণত করতে হলেদুটি Clause অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে + Relative pronoun-এর পরিবর্তে and বসে + প্রথম Clause-এর object দ্বিতীয় Clause-এর subject হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হবে। Example:
Complex : I saw a boy who was lame.
Compound : I saw a boy and he was lame.
Rule 4: (i) If
যুক্ত Complex sentence-এর sub ordinate clause-এর subject যদি first বা third person হয় এবং sentenceটি Negative অর্থবোধক হলে Compound sentence করার সময় নিচের নিয়মটি প্রয়োগ করতে হবে।
উঠে গিয়ে প্রথমে let বসে + if-এর পর ব্যবহূত pronoun-এর objective form বসে + sub ordinate clauseটি affirmative- রূপান্তরিত হবে + clause দুটির মাঝে or বা otherwise বসে + main clause বসে।
Complex to Compound
Rule 4: (ii)
যদি complex sentenceটি Affirmative হয়, তবে compound sentence- পরিবর্তন করতে হলে
এর পরিবর্তে let বসে + subject-এর objective রূপ বসে + দুটি clause-এর মাঝে and বসে + main clause অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Example: Complex : If I rise early, I will have enough time to study.
Compound : Let me rise early and I will have enough time to study.
Rule 5 : If
যুক্ত complex sentenceটির sub ordinate clause-এর subject যদি second person হয় এবং Negative অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, তাহলে compound sentence- রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম—If you do not উঠে যায় + দুটি clause-এর মাঝে or বা otherwise বসে + main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Example: Complex : If you do not move, you will die.
compound : Move or you will die.
(iii) If
যুক্ত complex sentenceটি যদি Affirmative অর্থ প্রকাশ করে তাহলে compound sentence- পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম:
উঠে যায়+দুটি Clause-এর মাঝে and বসে+main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example :
Complex : If you read more, you will know more.
Compound : Read more and you will know more.
Complex to Compound
Rule 6 : So...that
যুক্ত Complex sentence-কে Compound sentence- পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম:
এর স্থলে very এবং that-এর স্থলে and, and so, so, hence, therefore বসে+main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Example : Complex: He is so weak that he can’t walk.
Compound: He is very weak and so he can’t walk.
Rule 7: Unless
দ্বারা সূচিত Complex sentence-কে compound sentence- পরিবর্তনের নিয়ম:
উঠে যায়+দুটি clause-এর মাঝে or বা otherwise বসে+main clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example: Complex: Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.
Compound: Work hard or you will not succeed.
Exercise for practice: 1. I am glad that he has recovered from illness. 2. If she is at home, I shall see her. 3. Only those who graduates are eligible for the post. 4. Unless you read attentively, you will fail in the examination. 5. The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it. 6. If you speak the truth, I shall pardon you. 7. If you run fast, you will catch the train. 8. The man bought a pen which was lost. 9. If you do not speak the truth, nobody will believe you. 10. When the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Compound to complex
Rule-1: So
এবং and so যুক্ত compound sentence-এর প্রথম clauseটি যদি পরবর্তী clause-এর কাজের ফলাফলের কারণ হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হয়, সে ক্ষেত্রে compound sentenceকে complex sentence- পরিবর্তন করার নিয়ম
কারণ যুক্ত sub ordinate clauseটির আগে since, because বা as বসে+ and উঠে যায়+দ্বিতীয় clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে।
Example: Compound: The was ill and so he could not attend school.
Complex: As he was ill, he could not attend school.
Rule-2: And
যুক্ত compound sentence-এর একটি clause যদি অন্যটির কারণ বা সময় নির্দেশ করে, তবে compound sentenceটিকে complex sentence- রূপান্তর করতে হলে নিম্নোক্ত নিয়ম অনুসরণ করতে হবেপ্রথম sentence-এর প্রথমে since/as/when বসে+প্রথম sentence বসে+ and এর পরিবর্তে comma (,) বসে+দ্বিতীয় sentence বসে। Example: Compound: The sun had set and we returned home.
Complex: When the sun had set, we returned home.
Compound to complex
Rule-2: And
যুক্ত compound sentence-এর প্রথম clauseটি শর্ত বোঝালে complex sentence- পরিণত করার নিয়ম: প্রথমে if বসে + subject বসে + প্রথম clauseটি বসে+ comma (,) কমা বসে + অপর clauseটি বসে।
Example: Compound: Work hard and you will shine in life.
Complex: If you work hard, you will shine in life.
Rule-3: But
বা yet যুক্ত compound sentenceকে complex sentence- রূপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম: Sentence-এর প্রথমে though বা although বসে + yet বা but উঠে গিয়ে comma (,) বসে+ দ্বিতীয় clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকে। Example: Compound: He ran fast but he could not catch the train.
Complex: Though he ran fast, he could not catch the train.
Rule-4: And
যুক্ত compound sentence-এর একটি clause যদি অন্যটির কারণ বা সময় নির্দেশ করে, তবে compound sentenceটিকে complex sentence- রূপান্তর করতে হলে নিচের নিয়ম অনুসরণ করতে হবে।
প্রথম sentence-এর প্রথমে since/as/when বসে+প্রথম sentence বসে+ and এর পরিবর্তে comma (,) বসে+দ্বিতীয় sentence বসে। Example: Compound: The sun had set and we returned home.
Complex: When the sun had set, we returned home.
Rule-5: Or
বা otherwise যুক্ত compound sentenceকে complex sentence- পরিণত করতে হলে
প্রথম clause-এর আগে if+you+do not অথবা unless বসে + or বা otherwise উঠে তার পরিবর্তে comma (,) বসে + দ্বিতীয় clauseটি অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে। Example: Compound: Leave the place at once, otherwise you will be punished.
Complex: If you do not leave the place at once, you will be punished.
Rule-6: Very... and
যুক্ত sentenceকে complex sentence করতে হলে very-এর পরিবর্তে so এবং and-এর পরিবর্তে that বসে।
Example: Compound: He is very weak and he can’t walk. Complex: He is so weak that he can’t walk.
Examples for Practice: 1. You must hurry or you will miss the train. 2. Read Newspaper regularly and be wise. 3. He is rich but he is unhappy. 4. My youngest son saw me and came running. 5. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 6. You must return the goods or pay the bill. 7. Prantika was ill and so she could not attend the meeting. 8. He is old but he is very active. 9. You can go to play or watch TV. 10. The sun rose and the fog dispersed.
Transformation of sentences
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশেরট্রান্সফর্মেশন অব সেন্টেন্সনিয়ে আলোচনা করব।
# Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed.
a. The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory birds. (Make it simple) b. In winter the weather is too cold for them to live in the north. (Make it complex). c. They find better shelter in Bangladesh. (Make it passive) d. We must protect them. (Make it negative). e. Migratory birds run faster than the dove. (Make it positive)
Answer to the question set no.-1
a. The birds coming to our country in winter are called migratory birds.
b. In winter the weather is so cold that they cannot live in the north.
c. A better shelter is found by them in Bangladesh.
d. We cannot but protect them.
e. The dove does not run so fast as migratory birds.
a. But at last God took pity on him. (Make it negative without changing the meaning). b. One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Make it passive). Their colours were very beautiful and c. he was filled with a strange wonder. (Make it active). Then he felt a great love for them and blessed them from his heart. d. At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, and the old man fell into a deep sleep. (Make it complex) e. When he woke up, it was raining. (Make it simple).
Answer to the question set no.2
a. But at last God was no more unkind to him.
b. One day the water snakes were being watched by the old sailor swimming round the ship.
c. A strange wonder filled him.
d. The old man fell into a deep sleep as soon as the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea.
e. At the time of his waking up, it was raining. 


Probable Transformation of Sentences for SSC/HSC Examination

Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each.

1.  (a) Computer is one of the greatest invention of modern science.(Positive).It renders great service to mankind .(b) A Computer is a blessing on earth.(negative).(c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides.(Simple) (d) Computer now a days being used in almost every sphere by the people.(Active)(e) We cannot but depend on it.(Affirmative.)
Answer: Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer. (b) A computer is not a curse on earth.(c) In spite of being a blessing, it has dark sides. (d) The people are using computers in almost every sphere now-a-days. (e) We must depend on it.  
2.  (a) Information technology is a wonderful invention (Exclamatory) (b) There are many things that can be included in technology.(Simple).(c) Computer has preshed the modern age a step ahead .(Complex).It can do many things.(d) Internet is the latest invention in the communication system.(Interrogative).(e) We should know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.(Omit should by using it.)
Answer(a) What an invention information technology is! (b) Many things can be included in technology. (c) It is computer which has preshed the modern age a step ahead. (d) What is the latest invention in the communication system? (e) It is necessary to know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.
3.      Student life is the time of preparation for future life.(a) Study is the first and foremost duty of a student.(Complex).(b)As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.(Compound).Proper emphasis should be given to their studies (c)They must be punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful.(Negative).He should also cultivate good manners.(d) If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.(Simple).A student should take part in co-curricular activities which help him to express his invite talents.(e) A good student should be conscious of politics but should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.(Complex).
Answer (a) It is the study which is the first and foremost duty of a student. (b) They are assets to the nation and so they should equip themselves accordingly. (c) They cannot become punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful. (d) Being devoted to studies, a student will surely shine in life. (e) Though a good student should be conscious of politics, he should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.
4.      (a)English is a foreign language.(Negative) (b) Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.(Complex).(c) The man who knows English well can go abroad (Simple).(d) We must learn English.(negative)(e) Everybody knows the truth.(Passive)
(a) English is not a native language. (b) If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any job. (c) A man knowing English well can go abroad. (d) We cannot but learn English. (e) The truth is known to everybody.
5.      We live in Bangladesh (a) She is not the poorest country in the world (Positive) Too many people live if in here. (b) It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people. (Complex).(c) People can train themselves in one or other of the vacations.(Passive)(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.(Complex).Until then she can fruitful utilize her manpower in overseas employment.(e) Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange.(Complex).
Answer (a) Few other countries in the world are as poor as she. (b) It is not possible for her that she can give employment to all these people. (e) People can be trained by themselves in one or other of the vacations.(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only when she will explore all her other resources. (e) It is the way that she earns a lot of foreign exchange.

6.      (a)Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple)(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative) (d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(negative) (e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive).
Answer (a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation. (b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education. (c) It is the most powerful of all things. (d) Nothing but education gives us the light of knowledge. (e) So, it should be realized by everybody and act accordingly. 
7.      (a)One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative) (b) We have to work hard to gain or to earn money (Complex) (c) Those who are Idle always lag behind.(simple) (d)Idle people are not but burden of the society.(Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative)
Answer (a) None can prosper in life without working hard. (b) We have to work hard so that we can gain fame or earn money.(c) The Idle always lag behind. (d) Idle people are only the burden of the society. (e) Do they give anything to the society?
8.      (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated.(Active).(c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex).(d) At first glance the questions may not seem easy.(Affirmative).it becomes gradually easier.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.(Simple).
Answer: (a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (b) Anyone should not elaborate any answer in the examination. (c) After he gets the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult. (e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.
9.      Man is mortal. (a) All men must die. (Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not (Interrogative). (c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active).(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings. (Compound) (e)Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive).So, we should try our best to do something for society.
Answer (a) No man can escape/avoid death. (b) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not? (c) We do not measure our life by months or years. (d) Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings. (e) Their life is as bad as that of a beast.
10. Knowledge is power. There is no doubt about it. (a) We can control nature with the help of knowledge.(Complex).(b) If we have no knowledge we are helpless. (Simple)(c) As our knowledge is increasing we know more about nature. (Compound).Our life has become much better than it was before. (d)We can think of a very bright future. (Complex). (e) But we should use our knowledge properly.(Passive).
Answer: It is knowledge with the help of which we can control nature.  or It is with the help of knowledge that we can control nature.(b) We are helpless without knowledge. Or Having no knowledge, we are helpless.(c) Our knowledge is increasing and we know more about nature. (d) We can think of a future which is bright.(e) But our knowledge be used properly.
11.  (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help  of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e) Everybody dislike him.(Negative).
Answer:(a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life. (b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious. (c) By leading an Idle life, a man brings misery for his life. (d) People of the society can never be helped by him. (e) Nobody likes him.

12. The name of our country is Bangladesh. (a) It is a very beautiful, small and fertile country. (Exclamatory ) Dhaka is the capital of our country. The other name of Dhaka is Jahangir Nagar.(b)He founded the city of Dhaka. (Passive).(c) It is the biggest in Bangladesh.(Positive).Many times I went to Dhaka.(d)  When I arrived my friend took me to his house.(Simple).(e) We are proud of our country.(Negative).
Answer (a) How beautiful, small and fertile country it is! (b) The city of Dhaka was founded by him.(c) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as this.(d) On my arrival my friend took me to his house.(e) We are not ashamed of our country.

13. (a) Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.(Simple)(b) It is a social evil which hampers the progress of social life.(compound).(c)The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able-bodied person.(complex).So every-able bodied person should have some suitable work.(d)This increases the per capital income.(Passive).This also increases the standard of living of the people and ensures overall progress of the state. On the other hand, unemployment hinders social progress, disturbs peace and leads to social crimes.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be cured at any cost .(Negative).
Answer (a) Unemployment is a state of having no work to earn money.(b) It is a social evil and it hampers the progress of social life.(c) The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its persons who are able bodied.(d) The per capita income of a country is increased by this.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be endured at any cost.
14.  (a) Books are men’s best companions in life.(negative ).You may many good friends.(b) But you may not get them when you need them.(Simple).One or two may prove false and do much harm.(c)But books are always prepared to be by your side.(Negative)(d)Some books will make you laugh.(Passive).Some others give you much pleasure, new knowledge and ideas.(e) They are your real friends in your life.(Negative –interrogative).
Ans (a) Books aren’t men’s worst companions in life.(b) But you may not get them when necessary.(c) But books are never unprepared to be our side.(d) You will be made to laugh by some books.(e) Aren’t they your real friends in your life.?
15.  (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) (b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge (Complex).(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) (e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)
Answer:(a) We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge.(b) The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.(c) Perfection in life is gotten by nobody if the books of the great writers are not read by him.(d) Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized? (e) No other friend is so great as a book.
16. (a) Cox’ Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.(Passive).(b)Everyone knows this (Interrogative)(c) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beach.(Passive)(d)They come here to enjoy themselves (Complex).(e) Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive.(Passive).
Answer (a) No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer. (b) Who doesn’t know this? (c) This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (d) They come here so that they can enjoy themselves.(e) Some steps are going to be taken by our government to make it more attractive.

17. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.(Positive).Bangladesh was under the British colonial rule until 1947.(c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy.(Active).Though growth rate had showed down, it has almost doubled since Independence.(d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility .(Complex)(e) The 21 st February,1952 immediately comes to our mind.(Complex).
Answer:(a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971.(b) No other event in the history of the people of Bangladesh.(c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh.(d) Though there are many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.(e) It is the 21 st February,1952 which immediately comes to our mind.
18. (a) The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result. (Complex).(b) But most of our  students are inattentive to their study (Negative)(c) They kill their valuable  time in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(Passive).(d)They do not take their exams seriously (Interrogative).As a result, they are to suffer a lot.(e) So, study seriously and enjoy a better future. (Simple).
Answer(a) The students who study seriously can expect to make an excellent result.(b) But most of our students are not attentive to their study.(c) Their valuable time is killed (by them) in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(d) Do they take their exams seriously?(e) So, study seriously to enjoy a better future.
19. (a) Most of the students cannot write the answer scripts properly.(Affirmative).(b) Being unable to make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(Complex).(c) In spite of the teacher’s suggestion to make a brief answer, they are proved to make a lengthy answer(Compound).As a result, they get poor marks.(d) The students should answer to the questions briefly and to the point  to obtain good marks.(Passive).(e) Copying anything blindly is strictly prohibited.(active)
Answer:(a) Most of the students are unable to write answer scripts properly.(b) As they are make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(c) Teachers suggest them to make a brief answer but they make a lengthy answer.(d) Answer to the question should be answered briefly and to the point to obtain good marks by the students.(e) We strictly prohibit copying any anything blindly.
20. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(Interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(affirmative).(c) They were inspired by the common people.(active).They sacrificed their valuable lives.(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(positive).(e) But today many of them lead a very miserable life.(Complex).
Answer: Answer(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will be remembered for ever.(c) The common people inspired them.(d) Their sacrifice is the greatest of all other things.(e) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.
21. Our Motherland Bangladesh is blessed with different eye-catching beauty-spots. Cox’s Bazer sea-beach is one of them.(a) Cox’s Bazer sea beach, the longest sea in the world is very beautiful to look at.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.(Positive).(c) It is called the Paradise of the Pleasure Seekers for its uncommon beauty . (Active).(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from home and abroad  go there to feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(Compound).(e) Definitely this visits revives one’s dull sprit.(Passive)
Answer: (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world is very beautiful to look at.(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.(c) For its uncommon beauty people call it the Paradise of the pleaser seeker.(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from and abroad go there and feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(e) One’s dull sprit is revived definitely by this visit.

ransformation of sentence (Simple, complex and compound) at a glance

Transformation of sentence (Simple, complex and compound) at a glance 
01. Verb+ing +Extension ,Subject+ can/ could+ verb+ Ext.
     Example; Reading books, you can acquire knowledge.
Verb+ Ext. +and +Subject +can/could +verb+ Ext.
Example: Read books and you can acquire knowledge.
If +sub+ verb+ other word, sub +can/may +verb +Other word.
If you read books you can aquire knowledge.
02. Subject +verb +ing +other word +P.V. +other word.
      Some people working in the field are farmers.
Subject+ Realative pronoun+ P.V.+ other word+ P.V.+ other word.
Some people who are working in the field are farmers.
03. Subject+P.V.+article+adverb+adjective+noun.
       I saw a lame man.
Subject+ P.V. +other word +and +subject +P.V. +other word.
I saw a man and he was a lame.
Subject+ P.V.+ noun Phrase+ who/ which/that +P.V. +other word.
 I saw a man who was lame.
04. Subject+ verb +object +verb (ing)+object.
      Example; I saw them playing.
S+ to be verb (am/is/are/was/were)+verb(ing)+and+ verb(ing).
Example: They were playing and I saw them.
S+ verb +phrase +relative pronoun+ to be verb +present participle/past participle.
Example; I saw them who were playing.
05. Subject+ verb +infinitive (to +verb)………
       We eat to live.
Subject +verb +and +subject+want/wanted+to+verb…….
We eat and (we) want to live.
Subject +verb +so that +subject+ can/could/may/might+ verb……
Example: We eat so that we may live.
04. Subject +to be verb (past/present) +too +adj+ to +verb……
      Example: He was too weak to walk.
Subject+ to be verb(past/present)+very +adjective +and +can not/could not +verb+ext.
He was very weak and could not walk.
Subject +to be verb(past/present) +so +adj +that +s +cannot/could not +verb+………………….
Example: He was so weak that he could not walk.
05. Sub+ verb (past/present)+too +adj+ for +objective form+ to +verb (present)+other word.
      The bag is too heavy for the girl to carry.
Sub +verb (past/present)+very+ adj+ and +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The bag is very heavy and the girl cannot carry it.
Sub +verb(past/present)+so+ adj+ that +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The bag is very heavy and the girl cannot carry it.
06. Sub +verb (past/present)+too +adj+ to be+ verb(P.P)+other word.
      The man is too dishonest to be respected.
Sub +verb(past/present)+very +adj+ and +sub+ verb(Past/present)+other word.
The man is very dishonest and nobody respects him.
Sub +verb (past/present)+so +adj+ that +sub+ cannot/could not +verbpresent)+other word.
The man is so dishonest that people cannot /do not respect him.
07. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +to verb (Present)+other word.
        The girl is innocent enough to believe any man.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The girl is innocent and she believes any one.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The girl is so innocent that she believes anybody.
08. Sub+ verb (to be)+adj+ enough +for+ objective form+ to +verb (present)+other word.
  The question is easy enough for anybody to answer.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The question is very easy and anybody can answer.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The question is so easy that anybody can answer.
09. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +for +object+ verb(Present)+other word.
The essay is very easy enough for any student can memorize.
Sub +verb (past/present) +very+ adj+ and+ Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The essay is very easy and any student can memorize.
Sub +verb (past/present) +so+ adj+ that + Subject+ can /could  + verb(Present)+other word.
The eassay is so easy that any student can memorize.
10. Sub +verb (past/present) +adj+ enough +to be+ verb (P.P)+other word.
       The man is honest enough to be respected.
Sub +verb(past/present)+very +adj+ and +sub+ verb(Past/present)+other word.

The man is very honest and everybody respect him.
Sub +verb (past/present)+so +adj+ that +sub+ cannot/could not +verb (present)+other word.
The man is honest that everybody respects him.
11.Subject +Verb(past participle)+other word+ P.V.+ other word.
The book written by Humayan Ahmed is very interesting.
Subject+P.V.+other word+and+sub+P.V.+other word.
The book is very interesting and Humayun Ahmed wrote it.
Subject+who/which/that+P.V.+other word+P.V+other word.
The book which is written by Humayun Ahmed is very interesting.
12. Subject +Verb +other word(noun)+verb(PP).+other word.
         I bought a book of poems written by Rahman.

I bought a book of poems and Rahman Azad wrote that.
Subject+P.V.+other word(Noun)+who/which/that+P.V.+other word.
I bought a book of poems that/which is written by Rahman.
13. Inspite of /despite +possessive case +noun/adjective……….
             Inspite of his honesty, he was scolded.
Example;He was honest but scolded.
Though/Although +subjective form +verb +noun/adjective,…………………..
Example; Though he was honest ,he was scolded.
14.  Inspite of/despite cold/fog/rough weather/raining/snowing,
           Example: Despite fog, we reached there on time.
It+to be verb+,……..but+………………..
Example;It was fog but we reached there on time.
Though/Although+it+to be verb+cold/hot/storm/rough weather/ing (verb)+..
Example:Though/Although it was fog, we reached there on time.
15.  Without +verb(ing) +subject +verb +ext.
                  Without doing, you will die.
Verb (present form)+or+……
Example:Do or you will die/Do or die.
If +subject+do not/does not/did not+verb+Ext.,Subject+will/would+verb+…….
Example:If you do not do,you will die.
Unless+subject+principal verb, Subject+…………………………..
Unless you read,you will fail.
16. Subject+ to be verb+ at/in/on etc +time word
      Rubel was born in 1986.
It +to be verb+time word+and+subject+to be verb+ preposition…..
Example: It was 1986 and Rubel was born.
When+it+to be verb+time word+,……
When it was 1986,Rubel was born.
17. At the time of/In the moment of+ possessive case+ verb (ing)+ext.+…………………………….
    At the time of his departure, I was at the airport.
Subject+verb(according to tense)……and+……..
Example: He departed and I was at the airport.
When+subject+verb+Ext. Subject+verb+……
Example:When he departed, I was at the airport.
18. Subject +verb+ other word +at the time of +verb +ing +other word/at+ time.
     He woke up at the time of raining.
     He came here at four.
Subject+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word+then
He woke up and it was raining then.
When/While+subject+verb+other word+subject+verb+other word.
When it was raining he woke up.
He came when it was four.
19. Being +adjective+,-------------------------------
     Being weak in English, the boy could not do well in the examination.
Subject+ to be verb+…………………..and+…………………
Example: The boy was weak in english and not do well in the examination.
Since/As+subject+to be verb+ext.
Example: Since he was weak in English, the boy could not do well in the examination.
20.  Subject+ being +ext,+ second sentence.
      Example: Tea being hot, I could not drink.
Subject+to be verb(am/is/are/was/were+ext.+and+Subject+…….
Tea was hot and I could not drink it.
As+Subject+to be verb+adjective/noun, Subject+………………………
As tea was hot, I could not drink it.

21. At the time of/In the time of +Verb (ing),+………
Example: At the time of raining, I was at home.
It +to be verb(am/is/are/was/were)+Verb(ing)+and………………
Example: It was raining and I went at home.
When+ it+ to be verb +verb (ing),S +verb………………
When it was raining, I was a t home.
22. Having+verb(Past participle),Another sentence.
     Having done the work, the farmers left the field.
Subject+verb to have+verb(past participle)+ext. another sentence.
Example: The farmers had done the work and left the field.
Since/As+subject+have/had+verb(past participle)+ext.
Example: When the farmers had done the work, they left the field.
23. When subject is same:
      Subject +having +v(past participle)+ext.,+second sentence.
     The sun having risen, we went to play in the fields.
Subject+to have verb(have/has/had)+verb(p.p.)+Ext.+and +second sentence.
Example;The sun had risen and we went to play in the field.
24. Having +been +verb(P.P)+other word +subject +verb +other word.
Having been dismissed from the job the man is now at a loss.
Subject+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
The man was dismissed and he was at a loss.
When/After+subject+have/had+verb(P.P)+sub+verb+other word.
When the man lost the job,he was at a loss.
25. Because of, due to, owing to, on account of +possessive case+ verb(Participle form)+adjective/noun +Ext. +Next sentence.
       Due to his blindness, he cannot see.
It +to be verb+adjective form+and+…………….
Example.He is blind and cannot see.
Since/As+ Subject +to be verb +Adjective/Noun +,+ Subject+………………
Since/As he is blind and he cannot see.
26. Because of, due to, owing to +cold/fog/rough weather /raining /snowing, +Next sentence.
Example: Because of raining, I did not go to college.
It +to be verb+ cold/fog/rough weather /raining /snowing, +and +Next sentence.
Example: It was raining and I did not go to college.
Since/As +it +to be verb +Adjective/Noun, +subject+……………………………
Since it was raining, I did not go to college.
27. Besides +verb(ing)……………..subject+……………
       Besides knowing English, Our Headmaster know Bangla.
Subject +not only+…………but also……………
Example: Our headmaster knows not only English but also Bangla.
28. Both +Subject +and +S +verb+………………………
Example; Both Kamal and Jamal went there.
Not only+ First subject+ but also +second sentence +verb+…….
Example; Not only kamal but also Jamal went there.
29.Subject +verb to be+ both+a+ noun/adjective+ and+a+ noun/ adjective.
      He is both a singer and a composer.
Subject+ verb to be+ not only+a+ Noun+but also+subj+verb to be +a+ noun.
He is not only a singer but also a composer.
He who is a singer as well as a composer.
30. Subject +verb+ adverb +to +verb.
     Example: He reads attentively to pass.
Subject +verb+ adverb +and +subject +want to/wanted to/desire to+ verb+…………………………………
Example:He reads attentively and he desires to pass.
Subject+ verb+ adverb +so that +subject +may/might +verb+…………………
Example: He reads attentively so that he might pass.
31.By+verb+ing +Ext, Subject +can/could +verb+Ext.
     By reading books, you can acquire knowledge.
Verb +ext. +and+Subject+can/could+verb+Ext.
Read books and you can acquire knowledge.
If+ Subject +verb+ ext, S +can/could +verb +ext.
If you read books, you can acquire knowledge.
32. Subject +verb +noun/adjective/adverb+……………
     Example: Honesty is the best policy.
                     Heath is wealth
Subject+verb+other word+and subject+verb+other word.
It is honesty and that is  the best policy.
It is health and that is wealth
It+to be verb+Subject+relative pronoun (who,that,which) +verb+Noun/Adjective/adverb……
Example:It is honesty that is the best policy.
It is health which is wealth.
33.Subject+verb+the way of+ possessive+ verb +ing
I know the way of his doing the work.
Sub+verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
He did the work and I know that.
I know how he did the work.
34.Subject+ verb+ upto +possessive +verb +verb +ing +other word.
    Students will stay in the classroom upto taking examination sheets by their teachers.
Sub+verb+other word+and +then+sub+verb+other word
Students will stay in the classroom and their teacher will take their examination sheets.
Subject+verb+other word+till/until+sub+verb+other word.
Student will stay in the classroom till/until their teachers take their examination sheets.
35. Just at the time of +verb +ing +other word+ sub +verb+ other word.
       Just at the time of coming here I saw him.
.Sub+verb+other word+and just then+sub+verb+other word.
I came here and just then I saw him.
As soon as +sub+ verb +other word +sub +verb +other word.
As soon as I came here, I saw him.
36. Subject +verb+the reason of +verb+ ing+Noun+other word.
       I know the reason of his absence.
Sub+verb+other word+and +sub+verb+other word.
He is absent and I know the reason.
Sub+verb+why+verb+other word.
I know why he is absent.
37. Subject+ verb+ the place of +verb +ing /at/in +place.
      I was born in Dhaka.
Subject+verb+other word+and+sub+verb+other word.
It is Dhaka and I was born here.
Subject+verb+other word(noun)+where+sub+verb+other word.
It is Dhaka where I was born.
38. Subject +verb +possessive +verb+ ing /noun+other word.
      I know his demand.
Sub+ verb +conjunction +subject+verb+other word.
He demands and I know it.
Subject+verb+what+sub+verb+other word.
I know what he demands.
39. Just+ before +possessive +verb +ing +other word.
  The train started just before our reaching at the station.
Subject+ verb +other word+and+just then+subject+verb+….
We reached the station and just then the train left.
No sooner had+sub+verb(pp)+than+subject+verb(Past)+other word.
No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
40.subject+verb+to+verb(present)/in order to +verb(present)+other word.
He came to know the matter/in order to know the matter.
Sub+ verb+other word+and+subject+verb+other word.
He came to me and he wanted to know the matter.
Sub+verb+other word+so that+subject+can/could+verb(present)+other word
He came to me so that he could know the matter.
41.With/for all, notwithstanding +possessive case+ noun+ principal clause.
          For all/with all  its beauty, it is very short
However beautiful it may be, it is very short.
42. Subject+verb+adjective+like+noun/pronoun
      The boy is brave like his brother.
As ……as,   so……..as
The boy as brave as his brother.
43. With a view to
     We went to library with a view to reading books.
Subject+so that/in order that/that +may/might/can/could+verb
We went to library so that we could read books.
       Every man wants to prosper in life.
There is/was no+noun+but+verb+….
There is no man but wants to prosper in life.
45. Adjective+ verb+noun
       A studious student can make a better result.
The +noun+who/which+to be verb+adjective+verb+/….
The student who is studious can make a better result.
46.Adjective(Common Noun)
        The idle cannot prosper in life.
Those+who+verb to be+adjective+verb…..
Those who are idle cannot prosper in life.
          I saw a pious man.
Subject+verb+noun+who/which+to be verb+…..
 I saw a man who was pious.
48.subject+verb+NP+interrogative adverb
         Teacher showed us how to solve the problem.
Subject+ verb+ NP+ Interrogative adverb+ subject+ should/could +verb
Teacher showed us how we could /should solve the problem.
    Unfortunately, the girl failed in the examination.
It is +adjective+ that+….
It is unfortunate that the girl failed in the examination.
/request/beg/order+ indirect  object +to be verb+..
         Mother wishes me to be an ideal citizen
Subject+ verb +that +subject+ should+ infinitive case+…
Mother wishes that I could/should be an ideal citizen.
51. Adjective+ noun=Noun Phrase
      He is an honest man.
He is a man and he is honest.
Principal clause+ Subordinate adjective clause.
He is the man who is honest.
     Wait here till raining.
     Wait here until our arrival arrive.
Wait here till it rains.
Wait here until we arrive.
53. After possessive case +Noun;          /
      At the time of +Gerund/Noun
At the time of his waking up, it was raining.
When+ subject +verb+……..subject +verb+…………
When we woke up ,it was raining.
54. While/During+(Possessive case)+Gerund/Noun+ Principal clause.
             Wait here while raining.
As long as as/so long
Wait here as long as it rains.


Transformation of sentences for SSC/HSC Examination


1.     (a) Salma is a very good student.(Exclamatory).(b)She is always attentive to his studies.(Negative)(c) She reads attentively to do well in the examination.(Complex) (d) She is hardworking and does not waste time.(Simple)(e) So everybody loves her.(Passive)
Answer:What a good student Salma is! (b) She is never inattentive to her studies.(c) She reads attentively so that she can do well in the examination. (d) Being hardworking she does not waste waste time.(e) So,she is loved by everybody.
2.     (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) (b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge(Complex).(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) (e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)
Answer:(a) We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge.(b) The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.(c) Perfection in life is gotten by nobody if the books of the great writers are not read by him.(d) Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized? (e) No other friend is so great as a book.
3.     (a) Cox’ Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.(Passive).(b) Everyone knows this (Interrogative)(c) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beach.(Passive)(d)They come here to enjoy themselves (Complex).(e) Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive.(Passive).
Answer (a) No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer.(b) Who doesn’t know this? (c) This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (d) They come here so that they can enjoy themselves.(e) Some steps are going to be taken by our government to make it more attractive.
4.     (a) Computer is one of the greatest invention of modern science.(Positive).It renders great service to mankind .(b) AComputer is a blessing on earth.(negative).(c) Though it is a blessing,it has dark sides.(Simple) (d) Computer now a days being used in almost every sphere by the people.(Active)(e)We cannot but depend on it.(Affirmative.)
Answer:Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.(b) A computer is not a curse on earth.(c) In spite of being a blessing, it has dark sides.(d) The people are using computers in almost every sphere now-a-days.(e) We must depend on it.  
5.     Though Bangldesh is not a big coutry, too man people live here.(Simple)(b) Most of the people are poor.(Negative)(c)They cannot send their children to school for poverty.(Complex) (d) The monsoon causes rainfall.(Interrogative) (e)The country looks very beautiful (Exclamatory).
Answer (a) Inspite of being a small country, too many people live in Bangladesh.(b) Most of the people are not rich.(c) It is poverty for which they cannot send their children to school.Or They cannot send their children to school because they are poor.(e) Does’t the monsoon cause heavy rainfall?(e) How beautiful the country looks!
6.     Industry is the mother of success.(a) One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative).(b) We have to work hard to earn money or to gain knowledge(Complex).(c) Those who are idle always lag behind.(simple)(d) Idle people are nothing but the burden of the society (Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative).
Answer(a) One can  not prosper in life without working hard. (b) We have to work hard so that we can earn money and gain fame.(c) The Idle always lag behind.( d) The Idle are the burden of society.(e) Do they give anything to the country?


7.     Sumit is my friend.(a) He is a regular student.(Negative).(b) He is never late to attend his classes.(affirmative) (c) He wants to be a doctor to serve people.(Complex).For this reason he has been working hard.(d) He sits to read when it is time for reading.(Simple) (e) His is loved by his parents,teachers and friends.(active).
Answer: He is not an irregular student.(b) He is always punctual to attend his classes .(c) He wants to be a doctor so that he can serve people.(d) He sits to read at the time of reading.(e) His parents,teachers and friends love him.
8.      Industry is the key to success.(a) No one can prosper in life without industry.(affirmative).(b) We have to work hard to earn money or to aquire knowledge.(Complex).(c) Those who are idle always lay behind.(Simple).(d) People say that those who work hard see the light to prosperity in life.(Passive).(e) So in the society women work as much as men.(Comparative).
Answer(a) Everyone can prosper in life with Industry.(b) We have to work hard if we want to earn money or to acquire knowledge.(c) The Idle always lag behind.(d) It is said by people that the light of prosperity is seen by those by whom hard work is done.(e) Women work not less than men.

9.     (a) No other country in the world is as populous as Bangladesh.(Comparative).(b) People who live in the village are farmers.(Simple).(c) The farmer are not rich.(Affirmative)(d)The farmers work hard to support themselves.(Complex).(e)They should be taken care of.(active).
Answer:(a) Bangladesh is more populous than any other country in the world.(b) People living in the village are farmers.(c) The farmers are poor.(d) The farmers work hard so that they can support themselves.(e) We should take care of them.
10.   (a) Cricket is a very exciting game.(Exclamatory ) (b) People of all ages enjoy the game.(passive).(c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country(Comparative)(d) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it.(Simple).There are two versions of cricket, one day cricket and test cricket.(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high.(Complex).
Answer(a) What an exciting game cricket is! (b) This game is enjoyed very much by the people of all ages.(c) At present, cricket is more popular than most other games in our country.(d) In spite if cricket  being a very costly game, people of all classes get a great deal of delight playing and witnessing.(e) Though Bangladesh is a test playing country, its standard is not high.
11. (a) Tousif is a regular student (Make it negative).(b) He is never late to attend his class.(make it affirmative).(c) He wants to be a doctor to serve the people (Make it complex).For this he has been working hard.(d) He sits to read when it is time for reading (Simple).(e) He is loved by his parents, teachers and friends.(Active)
Answer: (a)Tousif is not an irregular student.(b) He is always punctual to attend his class.(c) He wants to be a doctor so that he can serve people.(d) During reading time he sits to read.(e) His parents,teachers and friends love him.

12. (a) The national Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect.(Simple)(b) Standing in front of the graves we bow down our head (compound).(c) The towers symbolizes the loftiness of the sprit of the martyred freedom fighters. (Interrogative) (d) We always remember their memories.(Negative) (e) It is one of the largest towers in Bangladesh.(Positive)Everyday many people go to visit it.
Answer: The National memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect.(b) We stand in front of the grave and bow down our heads .(c) Do not the towers symbolize the loftiness of the sprit of the martyred freedom fighters? (d) We never forget their memories.(e) No other tower in Bangladesh is as large as this.
13. (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help  of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e)Everybody dislike him.(Negative).
Answer: (a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.(b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious.(c) By leading an idle life, a man brings misery for his life.(d) People of the society can never be helped by him.(e) Nobody likes him.
14. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(interrogative).(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative).(c)They were inspired by the common people.(active).(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(Positive).(e) but, today many of them lead a very miserable life.(complex)
Answer(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will be remembered for ever.(c) The common people inspired them.(d) Their sacrifice is the greatest of all other things.(e) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.

15. (a) Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.(Simple)(b) It is a social evil which hampers the progress of social life.(compound).(c)The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able-bodied person.(complex).So every-able bodied person should have some suitable work.(d)This increases the per capital income.(Passive).This also increases the standard of living of the people and ensures overall progress of the state. On the other hand, unemployment hinders social progress, disturbs peace and leads to social crimes.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be cured at any cost .(Negative).
Answer (a) Unemployment is a state of having no work to earn money.(b) It is a social evil and it hampers the progress of social life.(c) The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its persons who are able bodied.(d) The per capita income of a country is increased by this.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be endured at any cost.
16. (a)Jamal gets poorer marks than any other students.(Positive).(b) He is not attentive to his lessons.(Affirmative).(c) Moreover, he is lazy(Negative).(d) His preparation is always poor,(Neagtive). So, before the examination he always manages short suggestion of probable question.(Passive).
(a) No other student gets as poor marks as Jamal.(b) He is inattentive to his lessons.(c) Moreover,he is not active.(d) His preparation is never good.(e) So,before the examination  short suggestion of Probable question is always managed by him.

17.  (a) We must eat to live.(Compound).So we see that for the existence of life food plays the role of fuel.(b)Without fuel no machine works.(Complex).Thus food or fuel does the work of an energy source.(c)To work humans and animals need food.(Complex).To achieve itself, a machine needs fuel.In these sense, fuels include food, oil, petrol, digels etc.(d) These fuels produce heat and power.(Passive).  (e) Heat and power make animate and inanimate objects move and work.(Passive).The difference is that fuel, needed by humans is called food.
Answer: (a) We must eat so that we may live.(b) If there is no fuel, a machine does not work.(c) It is for working that human and animals need food.(d) Heat and energy are produced by these fuels.(e) Animate and inanimate objects are made to move and  work by  heat and power.

18. Man is superior to any other creature in the universe.(a) He is superior to all because of his intellect.(complex).(b) Creator has blessed him with conscience to differentiate the right path from wrong one.(Complex).(c) Though he has intellect and conscience, he has lagged behind the humanity.(Simple).(d)Man are being presecuted by men every moment and every where in the world.(active).(e) What a critical time the man kind is passing now.(Assertive)
Answer:(a) Man is superior to all because he has intellect.(b) Creator blessed him with conscience so that he may differentiate the right path from the wrong one.,(c) Despite having intellect and  conscience ,he has lagged behind the humanity.(d) Men persecute men every moment and everywhere in the world.(e) The man kind is passing now a very critical time.
19. (a) Information technology is a wonderful invention (Exclamatory)(b) There are many things that can be included in technology.(Simple).(c) Computer has preshed the modern age a step ahead .(Complex).It can do many things.(d) Internet is the latest invention in the communication system.(Interrogative).(e) We should know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.(Omit should by using it.)
Answer(a) What an invention information technology is!(b) Many things can be included in technology.(c) It is  computer which has preshed the modern age a step ahead.(d) What is the latest invention in the communication system.(e) It is necessary to know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.
20. Student life is the time of preparation for future life.(a) Study is the first and foremost duty of a student.(Complex).(b)As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.(Compound).Proper emphasis should be given to their studies (c) They must be punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful.(Negative).He should also cultivate good manners.(d) If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.(Simple).A student should take part in co-curiicular activities which help him to express his invite talents.(e) A good student should be conscious of politics but should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.(Complex).
Answer(a) It is the study which is the first and foremost duty of a student.(b) They are assets to the nation and so they should equip themselves accordingly.(c) They cannot become punctual, industrious ,preserving and truthful.(d) Being devoted to studies, a student will surely shine in life.(e) Though a good student should be conscious of politics, he should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.

21. The name of our country is Bangladesh.(a) It is a very beautiful, small and fertile country.(Exclamatory ) Dhaka is the capital of our country. The other name of Dhaka is Jahangir Nagar. (b) He founded the city of Dhaka. (Passive).(c) It is the biggest in Bangladesh.(Positive).Many times I went to Dhaka.(d)  When I arrived my friend took me to his house.(Simple).(e)We are proud of our country.(Negative).
Answer (a) How beautiful, small and fertile country it is! (b) The city of Dhaka was founded by him.(c) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as this.(d) On my arrival my friend took me to his house.(e) We are not ashamed of our country.
22. Money cannot make a man happy.(a) In this world many people are unhappy though they have money.(Simple).(b) But many people who have little money are very happy.(Simple).(c)People want to be happy and they earn money.(Complex) (d)We can be sure that this is a wrong idea.(Compound).More money means more anxiety.(e) We should not be guided by money.(Passive)
Answer:.(a) In spite of having money, many people in this word  are unhappy.(b) But in  spite of having little money, many people are happy.(c) As they want to be happy, they earn money.(d) This is a wrong idea and we can be sure of it.(e) Money should not guide us.
23.  Knowledge is power. There is no doubt about it.(a) We can control nature with the help of knowledge.(Complex).(b) If we have no knowledge we are helpless.(Simple)(c) As our knowledge is increasing we know more about nature.(Compound).Our life has become much better than it was before.(d)We can think of a very bright future.(Complex).(e)But we should use our knowledge properly.(Passive).
Answer: It is knowledge with the help of which we can control nature. or It is with the help of knowledge that we can control nature.(b) We are helpless without knowledge. Or Having no knowledge ,we are helpless.(c) Our knowledge is increasing and we know more about nature.(d) We can think of a future which is bright.(e) But our knowledge be used properly.
24.  (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help  of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e)Everybody dislike him.(Negative).
Answer:(a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.(b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious.(c) By leading an Idle life, a man brings misery for his life.(d) People of the society can never be helped by him.(e) Nobody likes him.

25. (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated.(Active).(c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex).(d) At first glance the questions may not seen easy.(Affirmative).it becomes gradually easier.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.(Simple).
Answer:(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination.(b) Anyone should not elaborate any answer in the examination.(c) After he gets the questions paper, he should read through it carefully.(d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.

26. Man is mortal.(a) All men must die.(Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not (Interrogative).(c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active).(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings.(Compound) (e) Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive).So, we should try our best to do something for society.
Answer(a) No man can escape/avoid death.(b) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not? (c) We do not measure our life by months or years.(d) Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings.(e) Their life is as bad as that of a beast.
27. We live in Bangladesh (a) She is not the poorest country in the world (Positive) Too many people live if in here.(b) It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people. (Complex).(c) People can train themselves in one or other of the vacations.(Passive)(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.(Complex).Until then she can fruitful utilize her manpower in overseas employment.(e) Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange.(Complex).
Answer (a) Few other countries in the world are as poor as she.(b) It is not possible for her that she can give employment to all these people.(e) People can be trained by themselves in one or other of the vacations.(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only when she will explore all her other resources.(e) It is the way that she earns a lot of foreign exchange.
28.  (a)Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple)(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative) (d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(negative) (e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive).
Answer(a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation.(b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education.(c) It is the most powerful of all things.(d) Nothing but education gives us the light of knowledge.(e) So, it should be realized by everybody and act accordingly. 
29. (a)One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative) (b) We have to work hard to gain or to earn money (Complex) (c)Those who are Idle always lag behind.(simple) (d)Idle people are not but burden of the society.(Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative)
Answer(a) None can prosper in life without working hard.(b) We have to work hard so that we can gain fame or earn money.(c) The Idle always lag behind.(d) Idle people are only the burden of the society .(e) Do they give anything to the society.
30. (a)English is a foreign language.(Negative) (b) Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.(Complex).(c) The man who knows English well can go abroad (Simple).(d) We must learn English.(negative)(e) Everybody knows the truth.(Passive)
(a) English is not a native language.(b) If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any job.(c) A man knowing English well can go abroad.(d) We cannot learn English.(e) The truth is known to everybody.
31. (a) Everyone lives in society (Negative) So (b) We should not disturb social order.(Affirmative)(c) If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.(Simple).(d) Who doesn’t like peace?(Assertive)(e) It is so much required.(Active)
Answer(a) There is no one but lives in society.(b) We should maintain social order.(c) By maintaining it we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.(d) Everybody likes peace.(e) We require it so much.

32. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) Most of the students cannot write the answer scripts properly.(Affirmative).(b) Being unable to make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(Complex).(c) In spite of the teacher’s suggestion to make a brief answer, they are proved to make a lengthy answer(Compound).As a result, they get poor marks.(d) The students should answer to the questions briefly and to the point  to obtain good marks.(Passive).(e) Copying anything blindly is strictly prohibited.(active)
Answer:(a) Most of the students are unable to write answer scripts properly.(b) As they are make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(c) Teachers suggest them to make a brief answer but they make a lengthy answer.(d) Answer to the question should be answered briefly and to the point to obtain good marks by the students.(e) We strictly prohibit copying any anything blindly.

33. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) No one can shine in life without honesty.(Affirmative)(b) We have to be honest to reach the highest peak of life.(Complex).(c) Quality education which is a must can can make one detached from the path of honesty.(Compound).(d) Education having religious values is the best processs of establishing a peaceful society.(Positive).(e) If we work hard in this regard,we can see soon pollution free nation.(Simple)
Answer: (a) Everyone can shine in life by honesty.(b) We have to be honest so that we can reach the highest peak of life.(c) Quality education is a must and it can make one detached from the path of dishonesty.(d) No other process of establishing a peaceful society is as good as education having religious values.(e) By working hard in this regard, we can see soon a pollution free nation.

34. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a)At present price hike is the greatest problem in Bangladesh.(Positive).(b) This problem is causing a great hard to all classes of people.(complex).(c) Though the price of daily necessaries is increasing day by day,the income of people is not increasing at all.(Compound).(d) so the people have to decrease their consumption so that they can servive.(Simple)(e) We must increase our production to get rid of this abonormal situation.(Negative).
Answer (a) At present no other problem in Bangladesh is as great as price hike.(b) This problem is causing harm which is great to all classes of people.(c) The price of daily necessaries is increasing day by day but the income of the people is not increasing at all.(d) So the people have to decrease their consumption in order to survive.(e) We cannot but increase our production to get rid at this abnormal situation

35. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach is the longest sea beach in the world.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful Sea-beach in the world.(Positive) (c) People who come from home and abroad enjoy its beauty very much.(simple).(d) I wish I could visit the beach soon.(Exclamatory).(e) It is called pleasures seekers paradise.(Active).  
Answer:(a) It is Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world.(b) Very few sea beach in the world are so beautiful as it.(c) People coming from home and abroad, enjoy its beauty very much.(d) If I could visit the beach soon! (e) People call it pleasures seekers paradise.
36. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) Every one believes that education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple).(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative).(d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(Negative).(e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive)
Answer:(a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation.(b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education.(c) It is the most powerful thing.(d) Nothing but education gives us light of knowledge.(e) So it should be realized and acted accordingly.

37. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) English is more used than any other language.(Positive) (b)Organizations frequently need employees who have a good command of English.(Simple). (c) There are many companies and they provide English language training for their staff.(Complex) (d) Many believe that English helps people to get good jobs and better salaries.(Passive).(e) English is spoken all over the world.(Active). 
Answer:(a) No other language is so used as English.(b) Organizations need employees having a good command over English.(c) There are many companies which provide English Language training staff.(d) It is believed by many that people are helped to get good jobs and better salaries by English.(e) So we must put greater importance on English.

38. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) English is an international language.(Interrogative) (b) Who does not care to learn it?(Affirmative).(c)Very few languages in the world are so easy to learn as it.(Superlative)(d) People who live in English speaking countries learn it as it is their first language.(Simple).(e) People in other countries learn it as second language.(Passive). 204
Answer:(a) Isn’t English an international language? (b) Everybody cares to learn it.(c) It is one of the easiest languages in the world.(d) People living in English speaking countries learn it as their first language.(e) It is learnt as second Language by people in other countries.
39. Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each. 
Our Motherland Bangladesh is blessed with different eye-catching beauty-spots. Cox’s Bazer sea-beach is one of them.(a) Cox’s Bazer sea beach, the longest sea in the world is very beautiful to look at.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.(Positive).(c) It is called the Paradise of the Pleasure Seekers for its uncommon beauty . (Active).(d)Everyday uncounted travelers both from home and abroad  go there to feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(Compound).(e) Definitely this visits revives one’s dull sprit.(Passive)
Answer: (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world is very beautiful to look at.(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.(c) For its uncommon beauty people call it the Paradise of the pleaser seeker.(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from and abroad go there and feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(e) One’s dull sprit is revived definitely by this visit.

40. Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each. 
Bangladesh is a small country.(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.(Positive).Bangladesh was under the British colonial rule until 1947.(c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy.(Active).Though growth rate had showed down, it has almost doubled since Independence.(d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility .(Complex)(e) The 21 st February,1952 immediately comes to our mind.(Complex).
Answer:(a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971.(b) No other event in the history of the people of Bangladesh.(c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh.(d) Though there are many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.(e) It is the 21 st February,1952 which immediately comes to our mind.

41. Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each.
(a) The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result. (Complex).(b) But most of our  students are inattentive to their study (Negative)(c) They kill their valuable time in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(Passive).(d)They do not take their exams seriously(Interrogative).As a result, they are to suffer a lot.(e) So, study seriously and enjoy a better future. (Simple).
Answer(a) The students who study seriously can expect to make an excellent result.(b) But most of our students are not attentive to their study.(c) Their valuable time is killed (by them) in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(d) Do they take their exams seriously?(e) So, study seriously to enjoy a better future.

42. Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each.                                                              
Bangladesh is a land of rivers .(a) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.(Comparative) (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated.(Simple) (c) During the rainy season it assumes a terrible shape.(Complex).(d) Who doesn’t know this? (Affirmative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visits its shore to enjoy themselves.(Complex).
Answer:(a) The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.(b) In summer,it becomes emaciated.(c) When it is the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape.(d) Who doesn’t know this?(e) Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.

43. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets.                                                                         
Tariqul is a good boy. He goes to school everyday.(a) As soon as school breaks up, he return to his home (Negative)(b) He is one of the tallest boy in the class.(positive). (c) As he works hard, he stands first in every class.(Compound).(d)He takes care of his health regularly.(Passive). Everybody likes him because of his good nature. (e) He bears a very charming personality. (Exclamatory). 
(a) As soon as school breaks up, he does not return late to his home.(b) No other boy is as tall as he is in the class.(c) He works hard and stands first in every class.(d) His health has been taken care by him regularly.(e) How charming personality he bears!
44. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) No man can live alone (Interrogative) (b) When we are children, the family protects us.(Simple)(c) When we grow up,we need help of people   around us.(Compound).(d) People around us train us to to do our duty.(Complex)(e) Our only duty is to act thoughtfully so that does not harm others.(Simple).
Answer(a) Who can live alone?/Can any man live alone?(b) The family protects us in our childhood.(c) We grow up and we need of all people around us.(d) People around us train us so that we can do our duty.(e) Our duty is nothing but to act thoughtfully so that it does not harm others.
45. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
Sumon Mahmud comes of a Muslim family.(a) He is the most brilliant student in our class.(Positive).(b) He always works hard to improve his result.(complex).(c) His father is a simple clerk in a government office.(complex).(d) His father earns a meagre amount.(Passive).His is not economically well off.(e)but his honesty is known to all.(Complex).
Answer(a) No other student in our class is as brilliant as Sumon Mahmud.(b) He always works hard so that he may improve his result.(c) It is his father who is a simple clerk is govt office.(d) A meager amount is earned by his father.(e) It is known to all that he is honest.
46. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
We are Bangladeshi (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(Interrogative)(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative).They were inspired by the common people.(c)Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(Positive) (d) But today many of them lead a miserable life.(Complex). (e) If we take proper steps, their contribution may improve.(Simple)
Answer(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters? (b) Their contribution will always be remembered.(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.(d) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.(e) By our taking steps, their contribution may improve.

47. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country.(Positive)But we hardly realize that this miserable condition is our creation.(b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour.(Compound).(c) They only curse their fate.(Passive)But this is not reality.(d) It is man who is the maker of his own fortune.(Simple) So, they should work hard to improve their lot.(e) By working hard,they can remove their condition.(Negative).
Answer(a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.(b) Many do not labour hard and try to better their condition.(c) Their fate is cursed only by them.(d) Man is the maker of his own fortune.(e) Without working hard,they cannot remove their condition.
48. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
In this life there are no gains without pains.(Complex) (b) Life would be dull if there were no difficulties.(Simple)(c) Without real struggle games lose their zest.(Complex).(d) No victory is a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of your steel.(Interrogative).(e) Life is a continuous competitive examination.(Comparative)
Answer:(a) In this life there are no gains without pains which are without pains.(b) Without difficulties life would be dull.(c) If there is no real struggle ,games lose their zest.(d) Is  any victory a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of your steel?(e) Life is more continuous competitive than any other examinations. 
49. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
Sincerity is a great medicine to work. (a) One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity.(Simple)(b) The rich people are sincere to work.(Complex).So they are capable of making anything success. (c) An insincere man can never go a long way in the world.(Complex).(d)The poor people are not sometimes sincere.(Complex)So they lag behind.(e) If they can know the benefit of sincerity, they will make a good use of it.(Simple)
Answer: By doing anything sincerity one can go a long way.(b) The people who are rich are sincere to work.(c) A man who is insincere can never go a long way in the world.(d) The people who are poor are not sometimes sincere.(e) By knowing the benefit of sincerity,they will make a good use of it.

50. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a)There are a good number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fail in English.(Simple)(b) Because of foreign language the students fail in English in great number.(Complex) Very few students are earnest in learning English. (c) Students seek the chance to cross barriers of examinations.(Compound) (d) English is the most fearful subject for them.(Positive) (e) We must develop the student of English.(Negative).
Answer:(a) There are a good number of reasons for the students failure in English in Bangladesh.(b) As English is foreign language, the students fail in English in great number.(c) Students seek the chance and they want to cross barriers of examination.(d) No other subject for them is as fearful as English.(e) We can’t but develop the student of English.

51. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets
(a) We have to be educated  in order to serve the nation.(Complex).The nation needs worthy citizens.(b) They will remove illiteracy and corruption from the country.(Passive)(c)Very few countries in the world are as corrupted as her people.(Comparative).(d) We love her most and wish the best of her.(Comparative).(e) She is the only darling child of nature.(Negative).
Answer:(a) We have to be educated so that we can serve the nation.(b) Illiteracy and corruption will be removed from the country by them.(c) She is more corrupted than most other countries in the world.(d) We love her more and wish better of her.(e) She is nothing but the darling child of nature.

52. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets.                                                                      (a) Our national flag symbolizes freedom from foreign domination.(Compound) (b) It is hoisted everywhere on the national days. (Active) (c) We show respect to our national flag.(Interrogative) (d) We have a great honour to it (exclamatory) (e) Many people sacrificed their lives for this flag.(Complex).
Answer:Our National flag symbolizes freedom and that is from foreign domination.(b) People hoist it everywhere on the national days.(c) Don’t we show respect to our national flag?(d) What a great honour to it we have!(e) There were many people who sacrificed their lives for it.

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